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Sorry guys... but IVE HAD THIS STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR 10 FLIPPING DAYS. I- I gotta get it out b- but... I NEED TISSUES. STAT. 😢


No One's POV.

Hiccup sat in front of the fireplace in the Haddock Household with 3 year old Zephyr sitting in his lap comfortably. The young girl was happily 'helping' draw stuff in the notebook her father was holding- he was supposed to be drawing some sketches for new watchtowers, however Zeph decided she wanted to help, so that idea went out the window. Suddenly, she looked up.

"Hey daddy?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, Zeph?" Hiccup replied, slightly worried as to what she was going to ask- it was an easy guess. The young girl started fiddling her fingers as she laid against him.

"I know I've asked this before but..." She looked sadly and curiously at the small flame that was flickering in the fireplace. "Why... where's Mommy?" The memories being flung back at Hiccup were obvious by the look in his eyes. He sighed.

"Well..." He began, remembering one of the millions of times back to the fateful day.

*flashback begins*

It was a relatively cold and cloudy day, the entire sky filled with grey clouds as far as the eye could see, blocking out any blinding lights- however no rain fell. The issue was what tragic events were to come...

Gothi used her staff to scribble something in the dirt. Hiccup leant over to translate while Astrid was lying in pain.

"Relax, you're nearly there Astrid" He read out to the blonde in a soothing voice, who stifled a cry as she nodded in response. The past 8 or 9 hours had been a rollercoaster of a ride- mainly due to the fact that, oh, you know, the first heir to the throne of Berk was currently being born- however this day wasn't supposed to come for at least a good month or so, which had caused some problems.

As another wave of pain shot through her body, Astrid yelped and grabbed Hiccup by the arm, gripping it tightly. "Hiccup-" She began, her voice cracking. "I- I'm scared...". He could see the pain in her eyes; she wasnt only scared for herself- she was scared for the baby, too.''

"It'll all be okay, I promise you'll make it through this" He assured, gently leaning over so their foreheads were touching. The young blonde took a shaky breath in, nodding slightly.

*time skiiiiip of like idk 1/2 hour or so..?*

The two new parents smiled as a little baby was handed to them, Gothi scribbling in the dirt to announce the birth.

"It's a girl" Hiccup read out, his voice clearly filled with love and excitement at the new arrival. He looked over to where Astrid was laying next to him, seeing her pale and barely able to breath. She looked up at him and smiled weakly.

"Told you..." She exclaimed in a quiet and croaky voice. "I- I cant stay..." She concluded, closing her eyes again and letting out her last breath, drifting into internal unconsciousness.

"Astrid..." Hiccup breathed, resting his forehead on hers. "M'lady... dont leave... please..." He begged, stray tears falling down his face. And just like that, his whole world collapsed. Nothing remained apart from the small child crying softly in his arms. And from that moment on he knew- He knew he would protect Zephyr with his life.

*flashback ends*

3 year old Zephyr looked up at the sad expression on her father's face. He sighed sadly and looked downwards.

"She's in a better place..."


I- Im c-cryinggg... 😭

Well at least its outta my head now, but still- thank THOR this isnt canon

Emily OUT-

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