Isolation A/N

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Hi there! In case ur wondering, no, i havent done much more work. Yes, i still have around 10 things i need to publish soon. Sooner than u might think. Why?

Bc im in quarantine. Im negative for covid, but we still have to be here for a week or so bc im a close contact, meaning i could become symptomatic later in the week. My next test is on Monday so yeah. Basically we cant do anything until we r out. We wake up, go to school, come straight back and stay here. We dont even go to breakfast or dinner. THIS IS MY PERFECT ANTI-SOCIAL LIFE!! But it also means if i test positive i have to do online schooling, and online schooling at my school SUCKS. Just sayin'

But aside from that, it rlly just means i have way more time to write! Imma go finish a chapter rn! Well, within an hour, anyways.

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