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Based on something that happened today(*edit* a month ago) and it was BORING AF but I got SO frustrated, so i did what any good person would do- i turned it into a Hiccstrid chapter! DUH 🙄😂


No One's POV.

Astrid sighed in frustration as Fishlegs secured another piece of fabric to the hemline of her dress with a pin. "Why do I have to do this?" She asked in annoyance, uncomfortably shifting in the ankle-length dress that sported dark blue and green patterns and the occasional silver embroidery lining the edges.

"If you're going to do something, do it right" He simply implied as he began scurrying around looking for a measuring tape or ruler or SOMETHING like that. Astrid just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, like getting all dressed up is going to help us get the dragon eye lenses back" She added sarcastically, and Fishlegs had fortunately just finished whatever new things he had to do for the dress to be 'complete', so immediately Astrid stood up straighter and stretched out, finding that the piece of clothing was surprisingly stretchy and durable- maybe she could make an exception just this once. Maybe.






Sorry, sorry, this song came on and I COULDNT RESIST. Back to the story:

"Astrid, there's a gathering and Viggo is attending, so Hiccup decided it would be best to send some spies in" The large blonde man explained, turning back around to face the very unimpressed expression the other teen had plastered onto her face.

"And you volunteer me and Hiccup because..?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her friendly colligue.

"Because you two are the most believable to be a couple..." He finished in a quieter tone.

"I knew it" Astrid huffed, turning away to grab a pencil off the table before it rolled carelessly onto the floor.

"But you are a couple!" Fishlegs insisted, and just the door flung open just as Astrid was about to answer, interrupting them. Ruffnut stood in the doorway with a half annoyed expression on her face.

"Are you guys done yet!? It's starting in an hour! Chop chop!" She raved, walking into the hut with flailing arms.

"Since when did you of all people care about being on time?" Astrid asked with a raised eyebrow as the female twin walked around behind the girl and began physically pushing her out the door, muttering curses under her breath as Astrid hesitantly walked outside and towards where the boat was docked. They had made a plan where the two were to use the boat to travel the short distance with their dragons travelling a fair way behind, just in case something were to happen(Toothless was of course going to hide under the deck seeing as he cant fly without Hiccup).

"Now go!" Ruff yelled from the shoreline, waving them off. "Hope those two have fun" She muttered, turning around to walk back into the clubhouse as if nothing ever happened. She had made grand plans with Tuff about blowing up Fishlegs hut to attend to.

*on the boat*

Astrid got bored after staying on the deck(just made worst typo ever) for a while, so she wandered over to the small opening in the wooden floor and quietly stepped down the stairs that led under the deck. There she saw Hiccup sitting at the desk, revising over maps of the island they were travelling to. Toothless was curled up asleep on the floor- his tailfin occasionally slapping Hiccup over the head if he interrupted the dragons sleep.

"And how might you be on this quiet evening M'lady?" The guy asked after silence had filled the room for the past few minutes.

"Better than I could be... out on a boat... just the two of us... with Toothless... in the middle of a huge ocean..." She continued, sighing. He turned around to face her with a look that said he wasn't the least bit fooled. "What?"

"We'll only be there for an hour and a half, besides, I think you look beautiful" He smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and taking her hand in his.

"How did you know..?" She asked, blushing slightly even though it was a common thing for him to say to her.

"Astrid, I've known you my whole life- besides I can't help telling the truth" Hiccup continued, causing them both to smile.

Suddenly, Toothless whacked Hiccup over the head with his tail. "Stop with all the sappy lovey dovey stuff!" The dragon grumbled, turning around to go back to sleep.

"Toothleeeeeeess..." Hiccup whined, holding his head as Astrid covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud at the scene.


*sigh* feels good to be back! I wrote abt half of that in 10 minutes! It's pretty short in comparison to my other chapters but eh oh well at least I got one out! Also I uh... I have covid... so maybe that's also why I'm here- bc I have nothing else to do, so yeah...


Also imma start putting fanarts and things at the top of the screen again :)

Emily OUT-
30 March 2022(*crying* I remember writing hiccstrid daily book 1 October last year... THE YEAR WENT TOO DARN FAST)

Hiccstrid Daily Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora