Little Hiccup

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Requested by @Persony_person

Overview: Hiccup turns into a 6 year old. Yup. Um okay before we get started let me just say one thing: One of the only things that is almost as cute as Hiccstrid is Hiccup as a little kid. Like, if u disagree then... havent u seen THW!? Adorable 😊 Oh, takes place S6 rtte btw

No hate


~No one's POV~

"Hiccup what are you doing?" Astrid asked as she turned to face her boyfriend, who was facing away from her on one knee(No, he's not- u know what? Just- read on).

He suddenly stood up and spun around to face her with a couple of red and purple flowers in his hand. "For you, M'lady" He said, holding out the flowers. Astrid chuckled and took them with a smile and a playful eye roll. *insert comedy aww-ing soundtrack* (Im so cheesy lmao)

You see, the couple were at Dragon island collecting some samples of plants for Gothi to use in her medicines. There were 6 all up- Mimosa Bush(real plant- super super spiky and it HURTS, trust me), Angel Root(in rtte), Tampering Fern(made up), Creeper Vine(made up), Yellow Oleander(I think I made this up but... idrk tbh) and Crab Tree Flower(made up).

"You're so cheesy" She chuckled as he stood up straight again.

"What can I say? Im your boyfriend" He joked, earning a gentle(Astrid gentle, not actually gentle) punch in the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his shoulder.

"For talking back" She said with a mischievous smile.

"I thought that was how a conversation worked" Hiccup replied, shrugging teasingly. Astrid just smiled as they continued looking for the plants that Gothi sent for.

After a while, Hiccup came across what seemed to be a hole in the ground which was about 1 metre across and swarmed with vines. He got down on his knees and began gently pulling at the vines to get a better look of what was down the hole. Once he did, he saw that the hole led down into a large underground cavern which was seemingly empty. "Huh, strange. Hey Toothless can you come over here bud? Lets see what's down this hole, shall we?" Hiccup asked his nearby dragon, who had previously been occupied with a bug that was scuttling across a rock.

The dragon bounded over and lowered his tail into the hole so that Hiccup could use it to climb down as the dragon was too big to fit through the opening and into the hole below. As soon as Hiccup had reached the end of Toothless' tail, there was still about 2 metres drop, and he jumped off and landed on his hands and knees before jumping up and brushing himself off as if nothing had happened. He jumps off his dragon for Thor's sake!

He looked around the cavern, careful not to make too much noise in case there was a dragon down there, but the cavern seemed to be completely empty. In one corner was a small wooden desk and chair with maps strewn across the wall in front of it and drawings littered the room. Drawings on paper, documents, and even engravings carved into the stone walls. Everything- the floor, walls  and ceiling were all stone. Except for one corner, which looked as if stone had been chipped away to reveal a large amount of dirt with a weird looking flowering plant growing out of it.

Curiosity filled Hiccup as he walked around looking at the pages. There was only one thing on his mind: Dragon Hunters. This must be a base for them of some sorts. But wait- If there was an active base on Dragon Island, that means...

"Toothless!" The dragon peered his head down the hole in which his rider called from and lowered his tail down as far as it would go. Hiccup grabbed the chair and stood on it, jumping up so that he could reach his dragon's tail. "C'mon we gotta get out of here, bud" Hiccup warned his dragon quietly as he was lifted about halfway up, but both of them fell silent and froze when they heard familiar voices coming from underneath them.

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