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It was a cool night on Dragon's Edge- the stars were shining, the night terrors were sleeping, and Viggo and his men were docking ships at the beach. Hold up- what!? WHERE ARE THE NIGHT TERRORS!? Oh, right, they're snoozing. Lazy lizards 🙄

"Alright men" Viggo began in his posh accent. He turned to face where around 10 other dragon hunters were standing on the beach- some of them still pulling the sails down and anchoring the boats to the sand(which is more difficult that it looks) -and slowly assesses each of them before picking out two who step out from the small group. "You two will come with me. The rest of you stay behind and man the ships" The hunters did as told- the two 'chosen ones' following closely behind Viggo as they made their way towards the camp.

"Uhh... where do we search first Sir?" One of the hunters asked- a shorter guy with a leather helmet that entirely covered his face apart from the eyes. Viggo turned to look at him, his hands held behind his back in what seemed like respect.

"We shall stick together and search each and every building this island has to offer until we find the Dragon Eye lenses. If we have not succeeded in 2 hours, we will return to the boats. Is that clear?" He concluded, and the two men nodded in response before the trio headed off.

*Astrid's hut*

Viggo paced the floor of Astrid's hut, observing every single little burn mark and splinter. He looked up suddenly as one of the men tripped over a small metal contraption of some sort- sending it clattering loudly across the room- the sound echoing off the walls. The guard raced back from the room where the bed was and sighed with relief.

"Don't worry- There's nobody here, sir" He breathed, and Viggo nodded.

*time skip coz im lazy af and wanna go to sleep*

*Hiccup's hut*

It had been almost 2 hours and the very slightest hint of sunrise coming was present- the stars were fading. And fast.

"Have we found anything yet men?" Viggo asked, resulting with both hunters shaking their heads. One of the hunters walked over from where he was looking under Hiccup's main workbench and stood beside the older man, awaiting orders. The other guy began walking out the door as Viggo sent him outside with a silent but clear hand signal, making the other guy stay behind. "We'll take a look up were Master Hiccup lives" He concluded, and the large guy looked at the man in confusion.


"No buts! Just do it silently!"

"Yes, Viggo" The guard sighed, marching silently up the wooden steps that led up to the small bedroom. On the left was a large stone slab with a big black dragon laying on it. Good old Toothless was laying upside down with his tongue hanging out like a dog- much to the amusement of the hunter. Somewhere on the right was a wooden bed with a form laying lazily under the blanket. Stepping closer, the guard realized it wasn't one, but two figures laying lazily under the blanket. There laid Hiccup and Astrid- Astrid's head and right hand laying on Hiccup's(COVERED!!) chest, his arms wrapped around her loosely. The hunter cocked his head at the two- he obviously hadn't picked up the hint about them being a thing.

Viggo silently poked his head through the doorway as he saw the hunter searching silently around the room, eventually finding a small satchel under the drawing desk and held it up in triumph. The man nodded, and the hunter eagerly returned, following Viggo outside to the docks as the sun was beginning to come up.

*time skip*

Viggo sat on a wooden chair in his tent; dragon skulls mounted proudly on the wall behind him; the patchwork fabric tent help up with a single stick flapping slightly at the edges, although numerous rocks were weighing the tent down, preventing it from flying away in the strong wind. They had made it back to land multiple hours ago, although due to... reasons... hadn't gotten up to grabbing out the lenses yet and slipping them into the Dragon Eye to see if there were any new dragons he would know of.

He opened the satchel, carefully undoing the weird tooth-button thing, creasing his eyebrows as he ran his thumb over the Berkian crest which was burned into the leather. This crest seemed to have minor differences to the traditional crest. Keeping this in mind, Viggo opened the small bag and slammed his fist on the table with frustration. "Stones!" he cursed as the bag was indeed filled with multiple little stones and pebbles. The man rightened(ik this is a word but auto correct says otherwise) his posture and cleared his throat. "Well played Master Hiccup" he acknowledged to no-one in particular.

A hunter opened the tent flap and walked in. "Do you think we could take the girl? It could be good bribery to get the lenses back" He suggested upon seeing the situation at hand. Viggo stood up silently and began pacing towards the door with importance.

"No. I have a feeling she will be much, much more valuable soon enough" He said as he walked out, hands held behind his back in the usual polite manner he showed.


Short, ik. But hey- at least I got it out and done within an hour! Also it took me a GOOD amount of re-doing the last line to NOT make it sound super dirty... AH IVE ONLY BEEN ALONE FOR A FEW HOURS AND MY BRAIN JUST HAD TO GO THERE. 🤦‍♀️

Eheh... ANYways...

Emily OUT-


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