Fluff, fluff, and more fluff

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Okay currently I cant be bothered to write something that follows off each other like i normally do, so here *throws chapter at u*:

~Modern AU- Work~

Ashleigh and Hayden were leaning against the bedframe, Ash's back and head resting against Hayden's chest with a laptop sitting on her black leggings. She was typing away, clearly caught up in whatever it was her uni degree had to offer. Namely, assignments.

"M'lady you should go to sleep now- it's nearly 11pm" Hayden suggested, and Ashleigh shook her head with a smile.

"But baaaaabe... I need to finish thiiiiiiiiis..." She whined, stopping for a moment to rest her fingers before continuing typing like there was no tomorrow.

"But You'll be too tired to do any work in the morning if you keep going any longer! Besides, your grades are going to thank you for resting in the end" He finished as she yawned and rubbed her right eye. She sighed.

"Yeah alright, but only because Im tired!" She gave in, shutting her laptop and gently placing it on the bedside table with a subtle 'thud'. Hayden chuckled at his victory as the young blonde adjusted herself so she was laying under the covers. He turned around to face her and say goodnight, discovering the girl was already fast asleep.

"Night, Ash" He said anyways, quickly kissing her on the forehead before switching the lamp off, and they both slept peacefully all night. Until they had to get up at 5am for work the next morning.


~Includes Hazel- Get Over It~

Hazel might have been an 18 year old girl, but sometimes you would think she was four. Although she was pretty chill and liked to invent stuff(Like her brother), she was also a massive exaggerator. For example...

(Just before httyd 2- Hiccstrid is 20)

Hazel walked along the streets of Berk with her friend Gustav(im sorry...), babbling on about anything and everything... related to one specific topic... with the guy only half paying attention- the other half of his mind was elsewhere- namely, wondering what Stoick would have to say once he figured out it was him who accidentally made it rain fish in the middle of the night around 3 months ago.

"...and every time I walk past them together, they're always kissing or hugging or doing something and its just- ew" She complained, rambling on and on and on even though Cathlene(her girl best friend) was yelling out her name. After a while Cathy just shrugged it off and walked away to leave poor Gustav at the hands of Hazel's continuous talking.

"Uh-huh..." He agreed absent-mindedly.

"Oh but it was worse at the edge- well, i mean I only went there once, for... a day... but still, it was always 'Oh Hiccup I love you so much Babe' or 'yeah, I'll be careful' and bla bla bla-" She continued, doing some VERY bad imitations of H&A. "Not gonna lie though- I love my bro, and Astrid is pretty chill when she wants to be, but after a while it just gets annoying. Dont you think Gustav?" After not getting a response, she snapped out of it slightly as she turned to see Gustav was gone. "Gone, Gustav, gone" She muttered under her breath, but heard someone tapped her shoulder, making her jump. "WHAT THE- oh, hey there Gustav" She said with a very 'the Hazel is not amused' face.

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