The Switch Part 2

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Sorry in the last chapter I meant to say the switch was next and THEN Day 3. Aaaaanyways hope u enjoy anddd I should probably start writing now...

No hate ✌


Astrid(as Hiccup)'s POV.

We were walking around the village trying to spot Stoick with Luke trailing behind us. Well, partially. He was more focused on getting distracted by every little detail that passed him- for example he was in the middle of a sentence when a butterfly flew past and he began wandering after it, and then returned 3 minutes later with grass through his hair.

"Hey uh... so what did you mean before about 'sparing us the humiliation'?" I asked, turning to Hiccup who was concentrated on what Luke was doing- he had seen the butterfly again. He was almost startled by my sudden question and turned to look at me before answering.

"Huh? Oh, uh... Dad said he wanted to 'talk' about something with me today, and that's never a good sign... I think I have an idea what it could be..." I cocked my head at him.

"What do you mean? As in, what do you think he'll try to tell you, well... me?" His face pulled a straight expression and I thought I could see a small blush creep across his- er... her cheeks.

"You know what it is..." Is all he said back. This was when realisation hit be like a rock. I turned to look in front of us, straight forward.

"Oh... that..." Silence filled the small gap between us as we continued walking around the village aimlessly. That was until Luke poked his head between our shoulders and pointed over to something out the front of the Great Hall.

"Hey isn't that Stoick?" He asked, pointing to the large figure that just so happened to be the chief we were looking for.

"Ah, Hiccup, Astrid. Just the couple I was looking for. I have something to talk to you two about today" He declared, turning around to face us and pull us into a cross between a hug and a headlock. A huglock. And began walking us towards the Haddock household. Oh Gods...

"Um... well, you see... something has kinda happened and we think you might want to know about it..." Hiccup stammered, half able to breath. Stoick must have been prepared- he knew we were going to run off somewhere at the mention of having to talk to us about something important. He let go and turned so that he was standing in front of us, a hand of each of our shoulders.

"Names. I was thinking maybe Athena for a girl, although Zephyr could work too..." Hiccup teasingly raised an eyebrow at me. He was always fond of the name Zephyr, and I said nobody else really was, but he stood his ground. But then the rock of realisation hit us both. We quickly squirmed out of his grasp, blushing furiously.

"Oh uh- n-no not that..." I stammered, trying to at least sort of sound like Hiccup. Stoick shrugged and continued dragging us(literally) towards where he was going.

"Well looks like its back to Plan A then"

"But there's something you really should know-" I continued as he sat us on two chairs at the table and shut the door behind him. He sat down on the other end of the table.

"Which is..?" He pushed. This was going to be awkward...

"We kinda maybe somehow accidentally switched bodies" we both blurted out at the same time. Stoick looked confused.

"So you are you and you are you?" He said, pointing between us almost exactly how Luke did. We nodded, half cringing at the same time. To our surprise, Stoick just jumped up and clapped his hands together. "Perfect! This will be even better"

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