Fanart #1

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So this is part of the fanart series which is where I take a meme or piece of fanart and write a title story about it! Starting with the one above!

But first: Stoickkkkkk! Whyyyyy?? 😭

And second: enjoy!


No Ones POV.

The sound of a horn rattled the air around Berk and it's inhabitants. The final lap of this months dragon race had begun- the infamous black sheep. Gobber hauled the furball over to the catapult and strapped it in, adding a mini Viking helmet for a final touch. The hefty blacksmith stood back to admire his work, one hand on the wooden handle that would soon shoot the sheep into midair.

"Have a nice flight!" The Viking gave notice to the sheep, and a split second of realisation spread across the animals face before it was flying through the air at a zillion km/h before coming plummeting back towards the ground at terrific speed. However, as the sheep dramatically prepared to be a big furry blob on the dirt by using a hoof to salute another nearby sheep that was grazing in the meadow, unsure of what to make of the situation, when the black sheep felt itself hit something that wasn't the ground.

"Ha! I have the sheep!" Snotlout yelled stupidly, making him the main target. Soon enough, he had Fishlegs on one side and the twins on the other. Fishlegs and Snotlout both had one end of the sheep, and Tuffnut had decided he would try to jump onto Hookfangs back and steal it from them, however seeing as Barch now only had one rider, they became uneven and plummeted into the ocean below, and to add to the chaos, Hookfang decided to light on fire, Burning Tuffnut through his foot and hopping around holding it muttering,

"Oh I am hurt! I am very much hurt!" Until he fell straight off the side and landed on top of his sister, who was just coming to the surface again. Strangely enough though, Astrid was staying behind. She didn't seem to be in a rush at all. If anything, she looked a bit pale, as if she was barely able to breath. She saw Stoick concerned look and when Fishlegs and Snotlout turned away, she sat up straight again, back to normal, and gave Stoick a hand signal, and he smirked at her plan as he sat back down.

She began her act again, this time pretending to double over in pain as she dropped her speed so much so that she ended up being behind a lap as the other two crawled up behind her, still fighting over the sheep. When they passed her, both riders saw her pained expression and snapped out of their idiotic manner. They may be competitive, but teammates always come first- especially if that teammate is the future daughter in law of the Chief of Berk.

Fishlegs came up on her right, holding the sheep, whereas Snotlout was on her left. "Astrid are you alright?" Fishlegs asked worriedly, and in a split second, Astrid jumped up off her saddle and grabbed the black sheep out of Fishlegs arms before jumping back down onto Stormfly, who sped off.

"Much better now thank you! Haha!" She called back victoriously as she approached her basket and did a barrel roll, dropping the sheep into it- bringing her overall tally to 14 points, therefore winning the game. The crowd erupted in cheers as she sped past the finish line, leaning sideways to give multiple people in the crowd high-fives before righting herself again and slowing down as she landed back at the arena to wash up her dragon and take all the face paint off.

Soon after, Stoick walked in as the others had not yet returned yet. Snotlout and Fishlegs had to do extra laps as they had lost, Ruff and Tuff were STILL drying off, and, as you may have guessed before, Hiccup was nowhere to be found. As usual.

"Good job on winning the race there Astrid!" He congratulated her, giving her a pat on the back that will surprise you to know that she didn't go flying straight into the wall.

"It's only my fourth win in a row, besides the others are muttonheads, apart form Hiccup of course, who never shows up anyway" she replied back with a chuckle, mumbling that last part. Stoick smiled heartily.

"That's my future daughter in law!" He laughed, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug. Meanwhile from within a dark corner in the room, Hiccup chuckled quietly to himself as Toothless stood on his two back legs behind his rider.

"Enjoy the broken ribs(KaylaLlaufeyson gave me this idea)" he muttered sarcastically as Astrid was finally able to breath again. She then turned to face the corner and walked over to it.

"Yeah no kidding" She laughed, and right at moment, Hiccup knew he stuffed up by accidentally making himself known.

"Wellanywaysigottagonowbye!" He stammered quickly, getting on Toothless and shooting out of the arena before his father could lecture him on how to be chief and a responsible citizen and all that. Astrid just rolled her eyes.

"Maybe I could count him as a muttonhead afterall" she concluded with chuckle.


Hi yes I know that was short but I liked how it turned out 😂

Well bye!

No hate ✌️

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