Modern- Fire

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Hi! Not much to be said except u might want to grab some tissues. Or a bucket. Or go stand near an empty creek bed. EXTREMELY SAD AND DRAMATIC. Well, to me anyways. Idk abt u guys

No hate ✌️


~No ones POV~

"So... what do you think we'll need?" Ashleigh asked as she turned to face her boyfriend, Hayden, who was looking through some pretty cheesy tropical shirts hanging on a nearby rack. They were passing through a small town on their way to Ashleigh's sister's place and we're just about to head off again- they were just grabbing some supplies from a small Servo(gas station).

"Hmm?" Hayden asked quickly as he looked up from a price tag of one of the shirts. Ashleigh just rolled her eyes at him.

"What do you think we'll need? U know... for the road..?" She repeated, more specifically this time round.

"Oh uh... Im not sure probably just some food and maybe a bottle of water?" He replied, walking back over towards where Ash was flicking through her wallet to find her credit card to pay for the food and water along with a small flower charm Hayden insisted on buying. Suddenly, a shout was heard from the floor above. Cocking their heads up to look for a second, they decided it was nothing and shrugged it off as Ashleigh kept searching her purse.

"Ugh! I swear I had it in here..." she mumbled, and Hayden patted his pockets before pulling a small green card out of it.

"This what you're looking for, Ash?" He asked, handing her the card. She mumbled a small thankyou before passing it to the short man behind the counter to pay for everything. Suddenly, Hayden looked up, concerned, and began surveying the room. "You smell smoke?" He asked, and Ashleigh just shrugged at his question. She had only just gotten over a cold and so it made sense he could smell better than her. He shrugged it off and looked forward again.

Hayden grabbed the charm and put it into his Jean pocket as Ashleigh picked up the rest of the stuff and they began walking away from the counter. After walking about 2 metres, something was heard that stopped everyone in their tracks. A smoke alarm. It was coming from the restricted area from upstairs, and everyone was told to calmly line up and walk out the nearest emergency exit.

Seeing as they had been half stuck inbetween isles, Ash and Hayden were last to join the line of people walking out the door. Suddenly, the two were hit with an extremely strong wave of the scent of smoke. Hayden looked up at the ceiling and noticed a black spot forming. In a split second, he realised where the burning splotch was forming. He jumped back as a small portion of the roof collapsed over the emergency exit, sealing them and a few others inside.

"To the other exit!" A man shouted nearby, pointing frantically for the front door, which had been wedged open by a piece of burning debris. Behind the group, a small fire was starting to spread, coating every surface in flames. Coughing hysterically, everyone began running towards the exit as some of the beams above had begun burning and crackling, threatening to fall.

As over half the people had made it out the door, a loud crack was heard overhead and sirens sounded in the distance. Hayden looked over to Ashleigh, who had gotten her foot stuck on a metal railing underneath where the broken beam was. She looked up at him with panicked eyes without saying a word. Another loud crack was heard, and a heavy load of debris came crashing down.

"ASHLEIGH! LOOK OUT!" Hayden yelled as he lunged forward and pushed her out of the way, getting half crushed by burning debris in the process. Ashleigh landed a few feet away with a broken and twisted ankle as well as burns all over her body, unconscious. Suddenly, the doors flew open.

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