Idk what to call this

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*Insert Grug from The Croods* I... have... an... IDEA!

So ik i have other stuff to write but I just had this idea and imma lose it if I dont write it down!!

So basically this is told from mainly Snotlout's POV(plz dont kill me...) and its a couple of months AFTER Hiccstrid got married aaaaaaaand... u know what that means... eeeeeek! *dies*

No hate ✌


Snotlout's POV.

Walking around the village, I wandered what I should do next. Not the sort of next as in go eat a sandwich, but next as in... what now? The dragons are gone, its been peaceful for years, well, A year, and everyone around me is either occupied or unavailiable. An example?

Ruffnut and Fishlegs are always making goo-goo eyes at each other and are planning to be married in a couple months, Tuffnut is always standing in the corner keeping a close eye on Fishlegs. At all times. All the wars are over(hopefully), nobody needs any help, the village is under control, so what am I supposed to be doing?

Even my fishbone of a cousin is chief now. He has been for around 2 or 3 years now. He's even married to Astrid Hoffers- Astrid Haddock, and they are expecting their first child in what... 3 or 4 months? Wow they really didn't wait long. They only got married around 6 months ago.

None of that fortune seemed to be headed my way. The girls hate me, the gang is busy, the village is tidy and kept, there's a boat at the docks, even the new trading routes are- there's a boat at the docks?

I ran down to the ledge near where I was walking that clearly overlooked the docks. A boat was tying in. Looking around, I noticed that nobody else in the village had noticed the small vessel and ran up to the forge to see if Hiccup, Gobber or Astrid was around. Sure enough, I found Hiccup working on something in the forge with Gobber nearby.

"Hey Snotlout. Anything I can do for you?" Hiccup asked, turning to me with a smile whilst wiping his hands on the apron he was wearing.

"Chief there's a boat waiting at the docks" I explained, half out of breath from running. His face grew concerned and he looked over to Gobber, who just shrugged as a response.

"Any idea of who it could be?" He asked as we made our way(with Gobber) down to the docks. I shook my head. We weren't expecting visitors today and there was no clear identification as to who it could be. Once we got there, we were greeted by an old man who climbed down the side of the boat and walked over to stand in front of us.

"Hello there. Im looking for Chief Hiccup if that's okay?" The old man asked in a surprisingly clear voice. I let out a small chuckle before shutting up to due getting a look from Gobber. Every single time someone new came to the island looking for Hiccup, they would never know it was the fishbone standing in front of them until he replied. Every single time.

"Yes, that's me. Is there anything we can do for you?" I heard my cousin reply, and the old man smiled truthfully.

"We come from far beyond this archipelago and were wondering if me and my granddaughter would be allowed to seek refuge on your island. It's been weeks since we have seen another soul" He concluded, and Hiccup nodded.

"Of course you can. We have plenty of room. What island do you come from may I ask?" Typical. So naïve, Hiccup was. At least he was doing a low level safety check first. You never can tell when some bad guy might sneak onto the island.

"Feel free to ask any questions, Chief. We come from a Northern Tribe called The Wanderers, located on Riddleneck island(I made this up btw)" The old man explained, drawing in imaginary map in the air in front of him.

"Well I guess we should show you around then" Hiccup answered, stating the obvious. The old man agreed and climbed back into the boat quickly. He then jumped back over the side, a young woman around our age following closely behind. She had long curly black hair and was wearing an old fabric dress that went down to her ankles.

"This is Erica, my granddaughter" He explained, and the girl walking behind him stared at the ground near her feet. Clearly she wasn't a big talker.

~No one's POV~

*time skip bc Im lazy af*

"...and this is the plaza, which most of the buildings surround" Hiccup continued, concluding the tour of New Berk. This was when he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Astrid standing there with a soft smile.

"Hey Hiccup. The council just sent for you to meet them at the Great Hall. Another chieftans meeting I suppose" She exclaimed, leaning her head on his shoulder comfortably.

"Alright. Did they send for you too or just me?" He asked softly.

"Both of us, but I'll catch up soon. Just feeling a little sick, that's all. Nothing too bad" She replied, standing up straight again and cracking(Once again or cricking whatever u call it) her back for dramatic effect.

"Little guy causing you some trouble is he?" Hiccup chuckled.

"Hiccup we talked about this and its going to be a girl" Astrid reasoned casually, stating her opinion. She quickly turned around to see who was standing behind them. "New Im guessing?" she asked, referring to the two behind her- an old man and a girl around her age. Maybe a year or two younger.

Hiccup nodded. "I just finished showing them around" He said to her quietly before turning around to face them along with Astrid. "Alright guys I have some business to attend to at the moment but feel free to look around and just ask Snotlout over there if you need anything" He concluded, gesturing to his cousin. Erica looked up at Astrid and began making a couple of symbols in sign language, which luckily Astrid could translate(just go with it for now. And yes Erica can both speak and hear- she just prefers not to because... idk just bc I guess).

"Oh yes, sorry. I should probably introduce myself, shouldn't I? Im Chieftess Astrid, but you can just call me Astrid. Its what I prefer" She replied, stepping forward to shake the two by the hand. Erica made 3 or 4 more hand symbols. Astrid chuckled. "Yup. That means Im married to this idiot" She said, gently elbowing Hiccup in the ribs. When I say 'gently', I still mean hard enough to leave a bruise, but ofc Hiccup was used to this by now.

"Haha very funny Astrid" He replied sarcastically. Astrid rolled her eyes playfully.

"Anyways I better get going. See you later babe" She said, quietly adding that last part before they shared a quick peck on the lips and the blonde hurried off again.


So I think imma make a Part 2 to this but seriously does anyone have a name for the title bc I legit dont know what to call this...

Also sorry that was so short it was only like 1253 words or something but I kinda got writers block on that last part.

Next: Windshear's Report Day 4

After that: Part 2 of whatever this is

After THAT: Possible request- "Dragon shifting"

No hate ✌

31/12/2021(Only 3 days to go... no wait... 4. Only 4 days to go. WHAT)

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