Little Hiccup Part 2

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Astrids POV.

As me and Heather are headed towards Gothi's hut, I can't help but wonder what Hiccup will think of all this when... if... no, when, all of this is cleared up. Will he remember any of it? Will any new evidence against the cavern be discovered? What about his memory now? When we were 6, the world was a dangerous place. If he was truly in his younger mindset, he probably would have screamed and run away from Toothless, and yet he clearly showed he still loves his dragon. Must be some sort of instinct..? Nobody ever really knows when it comes to Hiccup Haddock. Let alone 6 year old Hiccup Haddock. Besides, how was that plant able to transform him? And would we need it to get the old Hiccup back?

I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as Gothi whacks me with her wooden stick. "Ow! What was that for??" I half yell at the little old woman, who just shrugs and looks to Heather, who also shrugs. She couldn't read Gothi's writing. I place Hiccup down and he immediately runs back over to sit in Toothless's paws whilst I take a look at what the healer(she's really more of a hurter, though) had scribbled in the dirt.

"She says in order to get Hiccup back to normal, we have to be able to find that flower again. In the process of that, we also need to find another notorious flower which... goes by the... name of..." I begin trailing off as I read the next part in silence.

"What? Goes by the name of what?" Heather asked, looking at my concerned face. I look up at her with worried eyes.

"... Blue Oleander..."

She opens her mouth to speak, but was interrupted when the door flung open revealing a large figure with two skinnier forms on either side. Stoick walks over in his usual proud way as the twins trail behind.

"Oh, hey Stoick" the raven haired girl begins.

He replies with a friendly smile and continues to walk over to me. Gods no... please not this again... I bet he found out about me going to Gothi's hut and is going to try to give me and Hiccup another talk about who-knows-what, although these conversations mainly starts with Stoick yelling 'grandbabies???', which this one didn't.

"Chief" I say in greeting.

"Astrid" he acknowledges back with a smile. "I heard about an issue involving you, Heather and a young boy. Is that correct?" He asked, and I nod my head.

"The thing is Stoick, that 'little boy' is actually your son..." I say, gesturing to the small six year old boy tugging on his dragon's earlobe, much to Toothless's annoyance. He looks over and opens his mouth in shock.

"How did this happen? That that... Hiccup!?" I nod again before continuing to explain. Upon hearing Stoick's muttering of shock, Toothless walks over after carefully and stupidly depositing Hiccup with the twins to entertain him and acted out the whole scenario for the third time today.

Stoick stroked his beard in thought. Okay, so... you guys found a cave..." Toothless nods. "Dragon hunters saw you as you tried to escape..." He nods again. "And then you two landed in a patch of flowers and now Hiccup is a little kid again because of something to do with the pollen..?" He confirms, and the black dragon warbles in response. Yup, that's the tale. "Well that's... interesting..." he concludes, and I agree.

"According to Gothi, to get him back to normal, we have to go BACK to the island, find more of the flowers as well as a blue oleander and bring them back WITHOUT breathing in the fumes somehow" I explain, and Heather nods.

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