Windshear's Report Day 4

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Hi. FIRST THINGS FIRST: (see picture above) HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And also... IT STILL FEELS LIKE 2021 LIKE HOW IS IT 2022 ALREADY!?!?

Day 4 here we go also this is super short bc im getting a bit laz-ay but ANYways... enjoy!

No hate ✌


~No one's POV~

*at the cliff*

Toothless sat and waited at the bottom of the cliff. It'd been half an hour now. Where were they?

"Hey Toothy. Whatcha doing here so late?" Stormfly asked the black dragon with Windshear following closely behind.

"Im late? You guys didn't even show up yesterday!" Stormfly mentally facepalmed.

"That's because-" She started but was interrupted by Windshear.

"We changed the times, remember? You're the one that didn't show up!" The silver dragon reasoned, and Toothless was taken aback.

"You dare speak to me like that? Although it is true..." He said, weighing up the options. "Whatever. Lets get this done with. Proceed" he finished, waving his paw at Windshear to talk.

"THEY GOT MARRIED" Windshear shouted, and the other two looked as if they were about to explode.

"WHAT!?" They both exclaimed, eyes wide. Suddenly, Windshear rolled over onto her back she was laughing so hard.

"Dont worry Im just kidding!" She gave in, standing back up. "You guys should have seen your faces! Gold! GOLD! Alright, down to business. What really happened today was they talked about marriage, what was next for them. Although I think they have that conversation every week" Windshear pondered, looking back on the last month or so.

"And..?" Toothless asked, wanting to hear more.

"And what?"

"What did they say!?" Stormfly pushed, also wanting to hear more.

"Oh yeah!" Windshear exclaimed. It was as if her memory had been suddenly wiped. "So they said that one day in the future they were planning to get married and have kids, but in a couple years at the least. They said something about names as well but I cant remember... Oh! And they said that they would prefer a boy and a girl. I think..." Windshear concluded, once again going back into her thinking state of mind.

"Alright you know what Im tired. C ya!" Stormfly said, flying back off to where she snoozes.

"Yeah I better go too. Hiccup being Hiccup he'll wake up early to work on something" Toothless explained, and headed towards the walking path back up the cliff.

(spongebob voice) *3 hours later*

"Uh guys is she okay?" Barf and Belch asked, looking over the side of the cliff. Stormfly walked up behind them and peered down.

"Eh, She'll be fine. Probably" She concluded, walking away again. Down at the bottom of the cliff, Windshear was sitting, still thinking. Didn't she ever get distracted?


Hi there. Bye there. I have nothing else to say except I need to go water the plants so byyye!

No hate ✌

1/01/2021(3 days left...)

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