Song Stories #3

63 1 21

First 2 are in Book 1 but they don't follow off each other so ur not missing out!

Enemy- Imagine Dragons

Modern btw. Also imma give a pretty big warning on this one bc it is DARK. This is what I call a vent, and it's pretty much where you just write out all your little insecurities and ideas. Usually for vents, the darker the better, or at least try to get as much emotion out as you can.

The backstory behind this one is Betrayal: I've been a target for toxic friends my entire life(apart from the last year, which has been pretty good actually), and tho I'm already scarred enough not to give a sh-, I'm still broken, and I'm terrified that betrayal will hunt me down again...

Wow even that was dark... oh heads up: I have no toxic friends at the moment(I have some rlly good friends here on Wattpad and that's enough for me 😁) but sometimes my anxiety acts up and decides to make things a bigger issue than they should be, so it's good for that too.

But still just a warning bc this is kinda scary...

No hate ✌️


I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows
Hayden awoke to silence, like he would everyday. He sat up and brushed himself off, the only noise you could hear was the sound of the old springy mattress retorting back to its original shape within the dark alleyway.
For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground
Quickly, he kneeled down on the cold concrete floor and put his ear against the ground, where he again heard only silence. It might be an alleyway, but underneath was much more than dirt and rocks.
I'm searching to behold the stories that are told
This thin twig of a man may have seemed like a poor homeless man, but was instead much more. His life was filled with promises, battles, darkness and countless secrets.
When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned
For the world in front of you may seem clear and safe, but it's the world behind you that you have to worry about, for it could come and stab you in the back any second.

Tell you you're the greatest
Slipping into his white mud covered sneakers, dark jeans and black hoodie, he quickly tied on his navy bandana and slipped through the shadows out onto the darkness-ridden street, avoiding the few working lights that illuminated small patches of the abandoned highway in bright gold circles.
But once you turn they hate us
Not only was his life a secret, but he had no family nor friends left, as he was forced to... 'rid of them', one by one until he had all the power in his hands only. If he had had a choice, maybe he would have taken it, but at just 20, he was so scarred on the inside that maybe he would have been the one behind the bullet afterall.

Oh, the misery
Born into a lovely family, raised in a prison camp. These last 20 years had been hard on him, and even though the was technically free, his chains would never disappear. There would never be the perfect key to unlock them.
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Over the years, he had begun to climb the ranks of the most notorious criminals of all time, and yet nobody had tracked him down, and those who did would end up against a brick wall with a knife to the throat, where he was walk away, carelessly wiping the blood off his hands before leaving the body to be discovered.

Spare the sympathy
He had even overheard newcomers talking about him and how he's had such an awful life, but in reality, he's unable to take in any sympathy, or show any emotion at all towards strangers.
Everybody wants to be my enemy
He had built up many complex relationships over his lifetime, most, if not all, adding at least 2 enemies a day to his list.
(Look out for yourself)

Hiccstrid Daily Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें