Viggo's Return Part 2

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You read right. Part 2, not Part 1. Part 1 is in Book 1 so if u want to read it then go ahead but if u dont that's fine bc i have an overview ready for u:

Overview: So basically Viggo comes to New Berk after years and years and... yup that's it. Requested by @Cleomlf13. In the previous one, Zeph was 3, Nuff was like 6 weeks old and Hiccstrid was abt 25(I think...). In THIS one, Hiccstrid is 36, Zeph is 14 and Nuff is 11.


~Zephyr's POV~

*Like an 11 year time skip or whatever*

12 ~ 4 ~ 672

Wandering through the woods on New Berk on this warm and sunny day were 3 self-proclaimed explorers, searching the wilderness in search of the legendary Night Fury dragon. In the group was a young girl. Her father had told her countless stories of a large black dragon that was known as 'Toothless', who used to terrorise sheep and hurt many people before two souls met- one was the dragon, and one was a boy with the soul of a dragon. Together they fought in many battles, saved thousands of people and even made some new friends along the way. There was one problem, though. Back then, it was strictly forbidden for someone to befriend a dragon. This was back when there was apparently so many that entire islands would come together just to kill the beasts. With the help of his scaly friend, the young boy became stronger and better at dragon training, however a young girl who was also part of the training began to become suspicious of the sudden change.

So one day, she followed him to the forest where he was with Toothless one day, and caught him in the act. According to tales and most recounts, the girl decided to help the young boy after hating him for so long, and soon the entire village left apart from them and 4 other teenagers to find the dragon nest after the young boy's father found out about the Night Fury. Together they found more dragons and flew them to the nest, where they fought the queen dragon- The Red Death. It was dangerous, but the queen was defeated and thousands of people were saved in the act. But there was a consequence... The young boy and the dragon almost gave their lives. The young boy had lost his left leg and was in a coma for months, but otherwise would have been dead if it weren't for Toothless, who saved him just in time.

After that, the village of Berk and much of the archipelago and beyond made peace with the dragons, but some still remained that had a deep hatred for the beasts, and were determined to kill them all. First there was Alvin and the Outcasts, who ended up changing their minds about dragons. During a time called 'The Edge', when the gang were still teenagers, there was Viggo and Ryker- the Grimborn brothers. Viggo was supposedly fried to a crisp and Ryker drowned. Then there was Krogan and his flyers, who were partnered with someone called Johann, who was Berk's trader for many years until he betrayed them in the hunt for the King of Dragons. Johann was frozen to death by the King, a great Bewilderbeast, and Krogan was beheaded by his boss, Drago Bludvist. During this time, the boy and the girl who helped him also fell in love and began dating, soon getting betrothed.

A year after the defeat of Johann and Krogan, Drago rose up against everyone with his own Bewilderbeast. During this time, the young boy ran away and found his long lost mother, Valka. She had left when the boy was just a baby- 20 years before. She was a dragon lover, and had a massive sanctuary that housed the current King of Dragons. The boy's father and Godfather came to the sanctuary and found him, and this is when the boy's father found his love again. Unfortunately, soon after the joyful reunion, Drago attacked and his dragon killed the king, taking over the reins. He controlled Toothless and told him to kill the boy, however his father, Stoick, gave his life to save his son. Then they held a funeral at the island and flew back to Berk using some baby Scuttleclaws- a breed of dragon that is very ignorant. Especially the babies. There, they took down Drago, who drowned in the end, and got their dragons back. The boy was then named Chief. Can't forget about that.

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