The End

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A U T H O R' S N O T E

I legit can't believe how far this story has come. I started writing Just Breathe more than a year back, but I never thought it'd come this far. I never thought it would give people so much happiness. I receive all your dms and comments. It does take me some time to reply to them as I read in a boarding school. But I try my best.

Thank you so much for all the love and support you've all shown. I truly am grateful. If you want to talk, do text me here or on Instagram.

It's really sad that this story came to an end. I didn't want to end it tbh. But yeah. All stories come to an end I guess. If you think you have any tips on how I could improve my writing style, or just the story. Do let me know.

With that being said, thank you so much for accompanying me in this journey. Stay safe y'all.

~ Cole

Just Breathe || Ron Weasley Where stories live. Discover now