Chapter 26

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Ani was happy to spend time with her siblings again. All of them were fun and playful with her, as if she didn't spend 99% of her time in the human world with Hunters. They treated her like family, and respected her as the Eldest. Even Minerva did.

"...And then you flipped him over, and smashed his face into it before Serana froze it solid!" Luthor laughed.

"Of course I froze it. His face looked better when I couldn't see it under all the ice." Serana added.

"It hurt!" Venti growled.

"It was funny!" Jade smiled.

"It was rather amusing." Minerva shrugged, a smirk on her lips.

"I wish I was there." Ani smiled happily.

"You could come back." Jade offered.

"I can't leave her." Ani retained her smile, but it seemed to hold much less happiness. "Not only would it break the treaty, but I love her."

"Then take her with you!" Serana said. "Bring her with you to Exodious, and come stay in the castle with us."

"Even if I could take her, I wouldn't. I won't ever move back into the castle."

"Why not?" Venti grumbled. "We'll keep mom off of you. Ple-"

"Don't push her." Minerva interupted. "Mother taunts, teases and presters Anikke every moment of every day. She has every right to hate her more than anyone else. I for one don't put it past you to never want to be in the same Realm as her, let alone the same castle."

"Thank you Minerva." Ani smiled.

"Be weary of Agora tonight though Ani. He's always up to no good, and tonight he seems to have his sights set on you." Minerva warned.

"Trust me. I'm aware." Ani looked past them at Agora who was glaring at her from several tables away.

"You should get back to your hunter." Luthor smiled.

"I see her everyday. I rarely ever get to see you guys."

"You'll see us more often. Without her parents around to have you locked up in a basement, we'll be able to visit you all the time." Serana smiled. "Go dance with her."

"You sure its alright?"

"Quit stalling!" Venti laughed as he pushed Ani towards the stairs up to Rose's balcony.

"I'll be back later to keep talking to you guys." Ani laughed herself.

"Have fun sis!" Luthor shouted.

"Don't step on her toes!" Jade giggled.

Ani went up the steps and tapped on Aeriin's shoulder as she was looking out at the party. "Are you up for a dance?" Ani asked.

"Punch first. I'm not a Wine drinker, nor am I legal to do so." Aeriin smiled as she took Ani's hand.

"Fair enough." Ani led her back down and over to the baffet table where they both grabbed punch. Aeriin sipped it and smiled. "How do they get it to taste like cocolate chip cookies?"

"I have no idea. But it's awesome."

"It's Greek Nector." Someone said. "Someone made it for the party, and I'm so glad! There are only a few people left in the world who still know how to make it!"

Ani and Aeriin laughed at the sight. "How're your siblings?" Aeriin asked.

"Same as ever. Fun and enjoyable. You don't mind if they visit from time to time... not all at once of course. But sometimes."

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