Chapter 25

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Aeriin stared at herself in the mirror. "I dunno."

"You're beautiful." Taraka smiled. "Ani will love it."

Aeriin was wearing a blue dress that hugged her curves just enough to make her feel confident about herself. Not only that but it sparkled, and her magic bracelets changed color to match it. Her hair was tied up in a bun, with a silver tiara resting on the top of her head. In the middle was a bunch of small gems, shaping a star with a sword crossed over it, symbolizing the Stargazer and Hunter bond.

Aeriin looked over at Taraka and smiled at the girl's feminine tux. She wore a white dressy shirt with a black jacked and a skirt. The skirt was actually decently long and she wasn't showing cleavage at all.

"You look nice too. Not so much like a Succubus and more like an actual person." Aeriin smirked.

Taraka shrugged. "If Rose saw me looking like a skank, I'd be so dead. Honestly I'm surprised you're taking us with you. I thought for sure you'd leave us home."

"I figured you guys deserve to have a little fun too."

"Well thanks for that."

"My pleasure." The two of them exited Aeriin's room and went down the steps.

"Ani don't! You'll get blood on your outfit!" Darcel growled.

"I will not! I'm not sloppy, I'm graceful, and even if I do I have magic for a reason." Ani laughed as she filled her wine glass with blood.

"You're supposed to drink at the party Ani." Aeriin laughed.

"I'm drinking blood now so my mother can't drug me." Ani answered as she turned, revealing her own out fit. She wore a blue dressy top, complete with gold ribbons wrapped around her forarms. Black slacks bedazzled with blue stones lined down the sides, and lacing them all together was a gold line that connected the stones like a connect the dot puzzle. All in all. she literally looked like a million bucks.

Or at least, the dress cost a million bucks.

Aeriin and Ani pretty much froze as they saw each other before blushing and smiling happily. "You look wonderful." They said in unison before blushing again.

"Drink your blood Ani." Aeriin laughed.

Darcel rolled her eyes. She was wearing a simple black dress with a white trim.

"We're all wearing flats right?" Ani questioned.

"I am." Aeriin answered as she put on her blue flats.

Taraka and Darcel both put on black heals, and Ani put on blue boots that matched her top perfectly.

"Ready?" Ani asked.

"Ready." They agreed.

Ani held her hand up and opened her palm. White tendrils of light flowed out of her palm and wrapped around all four of them, blocking the rest of the world from view. With her other hand she sipped on her glass of blood before the tendrals retreated back into her hand, and they were standing in front of a massive palace.

"The Fabled Ball." Darcel smirked. "Never thought I'd ever be here."

"We shouldn't be here. We didn't get an invitation." Taraka answered.

"Rose won't mind if you both behave yourselves." Ani answered as she started in along with the crowd of people. Aeriin took her hand as to not get lost, and their companions followed closely behind, not able to loose their masters even if they wanted to.

Ani handed the guard her invitation and they let all four of them in. "You two are technically servants. I'm not going to give you orders, but if I tell you to do something please just do it. Otherwise they might give you shit alright?" Ani told them.

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