His Past Reincarnated: Part 1

Start from the beginning

Tsunade frowned at her, while crossing her arms over her ample bosom. "Then show me. There are plenty of people lined up for this position and if you can't even be bothered to show up on time anymore, Sakura... then perhaps you should consider that it's just not meant to be—"

"I swear that it won't happen again, ma'am!"

A pregnant pause followed before Tsunade finally relented. "I won't give you another warning, this is your last chance."

Sakura swallowed, anxiety filling her guts, but she held the other woman's intense gaze regardless of this new uneasy feeling growing inside of her. "I understand, ma'am. I want to thank you for this opportunity to follow in your footsteps and I hope to one day make you proud of me."

Tsunade let out another sigh and took the large clipboard from her grasp, before reaching for her own doctor's coat. "Come along then, we have a lot of work to do today."

Five hours later...

Sakura's feet were throbbing and felt slightly swollen when she sat down (for the first time since that morning) for her lunch break. Forgoing her meal, she reached down to pull her heels off and began to rub at the bottoms of her aching feet. When a large shadow loomed over her from behind, she turned around to see her best friend since elementary school smiling down at her. "Rough morning...," he asked before taking the empty seat beside her. He passed her a steaming mug of coffee across the table and her face lit up upon seeing it. She thanked him softly and took a small sip of it before letting out a deep sigh. 'Black, exactly the way I like it.'

"It's been... okay."

He sat his own cup on the table and lifted a brow at her. "I heard you were late again, Sak." Sakura groaned and ran a hand through her pink locks before leaning back against the back of her seat and closing her eyes.

"You heard about that already, Naruto?"

"I also heard that Tsunade gave you another chance."

"Mrs. Senju has been letting me have it though... running me around the entire hospital like crazy, with zero breaks. I'm paying for my earlier mistake, that's for sure."

Naruto let out a sigh of his own before stretching his legs out in front of him. "You know she is hard on you because she really likes you and she wants you to succeed." He let go of his mug to place a hand on the back of his neck. "We both know that Granny wouldn't fire you anyway. She has threatened you with finding a replacement for you 'due to your tardiness' how many times now? She's all talk."

"Regardless," Sakura said as she rolled her eyes. "I need to stop being late all the time and if it wasn't for my stupid landlord... I wouldn't have been." Naruto's lips pulled down into a frown and his gaze narrowed.

"You need to move away from that place. It isn't safe."

"I can't afford anything else right now. Everywhere is either full or way too pricey for my salary," she said with a deep (and slightly defeated) huff. "I can't just 'up and move' you know, Naruto."

The blonde-haired Uzumaki leaned forward to gather her full attention before he spoke up. "I've told you that I have a spare room that you can have, Sakura. I don't mind at all sharing my space with you."

"I can't afford even a third of your rent," she half-laughed.

"You wouldn't have to pay me, Sak. You're like a sister to me, so it would be no trouble to have you stay with me. At least think about it, alright?"

"Fine, if it makes you that happy, I'll think about it." A large smile spread across his lips as he leaned back in his seat. She could only roll her eyes and match his enthusiasm by giving him a warm smile of her own. She was about to ask him about his day, when the alarm above them sounded... indicating that an emergency had just arrived at the ER. 'I hope whoever it is makes it,' she thought before her pager began to vibrate on her hip. She glanced down and let out a low groan. "Time to get back to work. Duty calls."

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now