The Bloody Mist Clan

Start from the beginning

His pace increased tenfold before he was turning a corner, and then he came to a sudden stop. Surprise was etched all over his face when he saw the prone figure of a woman lying face down with her hair sprawled out around her; the glint of sword held loosely in her right hand, pointed in his direction. It was a damn Hunter and she was bleeding out in the dingiest fucking alleyway that he had ever seen.


As he scented the air for others, he came to the startling realization that he now understood why her aroma was so enticing to him... to the monster inside of him. She wasn't just a supernatural Hunter. No, she was also his—

... fuck me.

Twenty minutes later...

He was surprised that the young woman hadn't woken up yet after he lifted and then carried her to his humble home, but he supposed he couldn't really blame the poor girl due to how grievous her injuries seemed to be. By the looks of things, she had more than likely been fighting off a sizable horde of demons. Several rogue groups had been running rampant in his family's territory for a while now much to their chagrin and would have to be dealt with... soon.

Sasuke carried her in his arms, before gently placing her onto his bed after removing a majority of her tattered, dirty and blood-crusted clothing. He continued to curse himself and his luck, before lifting his phone to his ear after hitting the proper dial buttons while keeping an ever-watchful eye on his new charge.

A gruff woman responded after the fifth ring. "WHAT IS IT, UCHIHA!?!"

"How much longer, Tsunade," he asked impatiently before extending his long fingers in order to check for a pulse; the woman's breathing had become significantly labored in the last few minutes and the Uchiha was growing increasingly concerned for her well-being. His heightened senses told him that her life force was hanging on by a meager threat and his teeth clamped tightly shut as his eyes blazed with un-repressed, unexpected feelings.

Slight shuffling could be heard and a loud honk, followed by several expletives. "DAMN YOU BOY! I'M ALREADY ON MY WAY! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!?!"

"Just... hurry."

Five minutes later...

"Where is she?"

"Up here!"

Loud and thunderous stomping could be heard as the new arrival assessed the long staircase quickly before an older, blonde-haired woman ushered her way swiftly through his bedroom door. The strong scent of fresh blood caused her to hesitate (but only for a second) before she appeared at his bedside, shoving the tall male out of the way. "How did this happen and who is she boy...," Tsunade asked as she placed her bag of supplies next to the prone figure, before setting about the task of healing; a right of which has been instilled and bred into her from birth.

"I don't know...," he stated matter-of-factly as he stood off to the side with his hands clenched at his sides. He wasn't entirely sure why he felt the urge to push the elder woman away from the woman; the overprotective side of his beast almost frightening even him and without warning (or much thought to the consequences) he let out a deep, territorial growl. He watched as Tsunade's hands stilled above her patient's bosom and she turned her head slowly to gaze at him, her amber eyes narrowed in warning. Sasuke tried to clear his throat behind his fist... as if that would somehow excuse his sudden behavior, but Tsunade simply rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to the young woman who had remained unconscious through this entire fiasco.

Her blonde brows creased as her hands began to glow a bright shade of green, concentration evident in the etching of wrinkles across the length of her forehead. When she was finished with her initial analysis, she let out a low sigh. "Is she going to be okay...," Sasuke asked her, unable to hide the concern in his tone.

"Several broken bones... deep lacerations, some of which already look infected... torn ligaments... a concussion and that's just an initial analysis. I think she's lucky to be alive." Tsunade seemed as if she wanted to relay more, but their conversation was interrupted when the woman in question leaped from his bed, before landing on the opposite side in a defensive crouch. Both vampires were in utter shock and gazed at her in confusion and astonishment.

Fresh blood was pumping through her lacerations from her still opened wounds and her eyes were only half-opened... seeming hazy in appearance as she tried to quickly take in her surroundings. She was panting hard and her petal-pink hair was in disarray around her shoulders, but she seemed aware enough to understand her situation just a little bit as she moved her gaze between the two. "Who in the fucking hell are you assholes...," she growled at them both before her eyes focused on Sasuke's... the most vibrant shade of green that he had ever seen. Sasuke felt speechless and frozen under her intense gaze. The Hunter tilted her head to the left in irritation. "Well?"

"Calm down. We don't want to hurt you. We are only trying to help heal you," Tsunade said, hands lifted in an attempt to try and appease the angered woman. When she took a few steps towards her however... the pinkette growled and moved a hand to her hips, but her eyes widened when she realized the state of her undressed figure. The girl glanced down once, her cheeks tenting a rich shade of pink, before her eyes flared with fury, landing on the Uchiha once more as she bared her teeth at him. The pain from her wounds, the adrenaline from the attack, years and years of training all combined into one as she threw herself at him in a fit of anger.

"WHAT DID YOU DO, BLOODSUCKER," she howled, her fists flying left and right as she tried to land a solid blow to his jawbone or face, but Sasuke was swifter than she and quickly maneuvered away from her reach each time; trying to be a gentleman in the process and not touch her.

He wanted a moment to explain himself properly, to tell her that yes, he had undressed her but it wasn't for the reasons that she seemed to think that it was, but she wouldn't give him room (or the time) to formulate his thoughts.

As Sasuke dodged her, he also noticed movement out of his peripheral and suddenly, Tsunade was behind them; a large needle in hand. She swiftly jabbed it into the side of the girl's neck and jumped back before the fist flying at her hit its mark. He watched on as the pinkette slowly stumble, her viridescent eyes glazing over, before—

"W-what... did... y-you..."

Her eyes rolled and she fell into his outstretched arms. He carefully lifted her back onto the bed and moved aside so that Tsunade could check her over again. The older woman let out a low sigh and shook her head. "What is it?"

"She shouldn't have been able to move with those injuries. I guess it's all that training she's been through as a Hunter. It can be brutal for them, I've heard. She's going to be fine though. I just need to close all these wounds and give her medicine for the infection. She should make a full recovery I think, I have little doubt." She turned to him with a weary smile on her lips and placed a hand on her cocked hip, her head tilting to the side to look at him. "So, why the sudden interest in this Hunter, Uchiha?" Sasuke's lips twisted and his eyes flashed as he took a menacing step closer to her.

"Don't question me, Tsunade. You work for me, remember. Know your place." She lifted her hands and began to work, but her smirk remained firmly in place long after she left.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now