Chapter 67

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                           Hayes POV
                          Earlier that night

This party blows . I drank a little and played cards just not having no fun. I miss Abigail , I know I should not because she is not missing me . She is in her own paradise with Finn . To make tonight even badder I lost my phone last night I can't find it no where . The last place I remember having it was here but Garrett said he has not seen it . I look around every where I went In here last night . I could not find it no where . It just a nightmare because I could pull out my phone and look up something or play a game when I don't want to be where I am . Like right now these 2 girls is walking over they have been bugging me all night . If I had my phone they would get the message that I don't want to be any where near them . But I don't want to hurt their feelings either .
            " Hey there again ." The girl who name I can't remember says
The other girl just smiles . She seems shy .
             " The sky is pretty" the other girl says
She is obviously just trying to think of something to say because the sky is not even pretty tonight.

I get a little frustrated because I remember watching the sky with Abigail. I have to get past this .

          " What is your name ?" I trun and ask the girl who smiled but had not spoke .

            " Uma " she replies
Uma oh she is that girl who had the b day party at the skating rink .
            " oh yea I remember you " I say
She leans in and puts her hand on my knee.

              " Maybe tonight we can finish what we almost started . " she says

She is so not shy I thought she was but she is not .
I am shocked .
I don't want to but I know that Abigail, is and this girls seems sweet and I know she likes me .

              " Maybe " I say because I don't know what else to .

             " Hayes have you ever thought of changing your name ." She asked and batts her eyes

That is a strange thing to say to someone but it makes me laugh .

I laugh a little to loud . Just because it is strange and I am not wanting to be here so I am hoping she will think I thought it was a joke and and go on for her self . But instead she smiles .

              " Sorry your name is like something people be into see when they or high or drunk ." She says
This time I laugh because I find it funny even though I don't think she intended it to be .

            " Like what would I even change it to? " I ask

         " I dont know like Hottie " she answers

I move her hand from my knee  and say
             " Please don't call me that "
I say it in a mean tone .
I didn't mean to but her calling me that reminded me of me calling Abigail little hottie . I know that Uma could not have known that . But it hurt it just hurts everything Fu**ing hurts .

           " I am sorry that just sounds girly " I lie I just made it up

              " I was joking , Hayes is a great name I think it means light ." She says

So she basically took back what she said before . I look around her friend has disappeared.

           " Hey where is your friend ." I ask her

         " She is finding someone to make out with , she only was over her to help me with you . I mean I guess she left thinking I was doing good , if she only knew ." She tells me

Sadness is on her face . I know she likes me , I remember her birthday wish was to kiss me . I dont want to hurt her , so I say

           " You are not doing bad you had me laughing ." I say

And her whole face lights up , but I Feel bad because I am leading this girl on . I know I don't like her . I don't even want to kiss her .  I remember before Abigail I always wanted to make out with any girl . Now she is the only one I want to kiss . And practically the only girl I can't have .
I got to get pass this ,enough is enough.
I have to move on and why not move on with Uma I know she likes me so it will make her night . I know it won't go pass one night I guess that is just how I am meant to be .
My thoughts are all over the places but I think maybe I should make out with Uma she is not ugly and it could only help me get over Abigail.

           " Hey I never been to a room in this big house ." She says and try's to sound sexy

        " Well I have been in every room so come on I will show you ." I say

And she jumps up . As we walk threw  the house I am thinking I can do this . I feel guilty I shouldn't because Abigail don't . Wow the thought pops into my head I am going to have to see them together. I know he is use to one time things but Abigail is different she will be his girlfriend for sure . That is just another reason to do this .

               " Do you want to make out " I ask

               " Yes " she says so excitedly
Her cheeks are hot pink with blushing .

         " Ok I am sure you heard but I have to tell you it will only be tonight no other time are you cool with that." I say

           " Yes " she answers and smiles

I had to let her know upfront because I don't want to use her or lead her on or hurt her feelings.
It always amazes me how quickly girls want to make out but they don't want to make out another time I know everyone knows it about me but no one has ever tried .
I mean Abigail sort of did even though it was not real she did keep coming back .

         " Hey " I hear from behind me

   It is Sam .

              " I found your phone " he says and hands it to me

           " Thank you man I been looking everywhere " I tell him

         " You should check your messages " he tells me

Uma. Pulls me by my shirt and says

               " Come on "
I guess I should just make out with her and get it over with it .
I start to go to the 3 rd level to the roof top but there is too many memories with Abigail there .

          " How about the room all the way down. The hall ." I say
She takes me by the hand and drags me into it .
I put my phone in my pocket I will look at miss calls and messages later , if I don't do this now I may never .
I walk closer to Uma and lean in and before I get to her lips the door flys open. !!!!

Love lessons Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon