Chapter 48

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He looks at me then back at her he seems mad .

" How does whattt " comes out of his mouth but I some how know what he means .

"I told her " I admit

" What the " he shouts then he stops his self

" Why would you do that Abigail?" He asks
In a much nicer tone

Maybe he is scared of Blakely 's threat

" Because I am her best friend " Blakely tells him

" I was not talking to you ." He says very rudely

I guess he is not scared of Blakely's threat.

" Well Abigail " he says

I can tell by his tone , he is getting impatient.

" I just needed someone to talk to ." I said and it is the truth

". But if I told someone you would flip out and go crazy right ." He yells

And the thought pops in my head that I am so glad that there is loud music playing in here .

" I promise I won't tell ." Blakely says

" She will not tell , we can trust her . " I say and mean. It
I know I can trust Blakely other wise I would not have told her . At 1 st I was scared to but I really did need to talk to someone .

" We wow Abigail , there is no we , even if I want there to be , it can't because all you care about is getting good for Finn . So how can there be an we or an us whatever I am like you with the rambling ." He says and walks away

I watch him as his words are causing me pain . No we . A tear runs down my face .

Blakely walks over and puts her hand on my shoulder . More tears come and I don't do anything to stop them .

" I am Sorry , I didn't think it would matter that I knew . "She says

" But he should not talk to you like that ." She adds

I know but I do see his point I did what I made him promise not to do .!

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