Chapter 50

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Hayes POV

I thought about last night all morning , now we are in class and I can't take my eyes off of Abigail Winters . I always checked girls out and never thought it was nothing wrong with looking but this is different. I don't just look at her , I don't just check her out , I take in every detail of her . It is so strange to me , but I can't stop myself . Today I especially take notice her lips , they are perfect . Hard to believe those lips have been on my lips but they have a quite a few times . I been looking at her the whole the time and not paying attention to class . Abigail smiles at me when she came in , but has not really looked at me since . She runs her fingers threw her straight hair . I notice her nails are painted purple but they was pink last night . I just notice way to much about the girl . But who could blame me , she is something to look at . Just watching her lips is chewing gum she is not smacking but she is quietly chewing , and it's a turn on . I Decide to do something that I never had before . I write a note . Of course I text girls but I don't think I ever wrote a girl a note . I don't want it to be sappy or make me looks like a love stuck dummy so I make it flirty and fun .

The note is short and to the point . It says

Hey Abigail I can't Stop
Thinking about how
How you did that thing
Last night meet me in
The library for a encore.

I read it at least 5 times I think it is right
I fold it up little . I asked if I could go to the bathroom as I walk by we make eye contact my heart flutters . She gives me a small smile and I feel relief wash over me . I sit the note on her desk as I walk by quickly I don't think no one notices but her . As I reach the door I turn around and see her read
The note and cover her mouth I am sure to hide a giggle .

I am in library for 5 mins when I see her walk in .
She is smiling maybe just maybe she is as happy to see me as I am to see her .

" You are sitting on a library table like it is a tail gate Swinging your legs and all , there is a chair right there ." She says and points at a chair

She is right I don't know why I sit like this . I quickly jumped up she seems frustrated . And don't want to add to that .

" I am sorry I should have don't know what I was thinking " I whisper

She smiles and takes my hand and leads me to a small coner

" They say it is best place here to you know make out the other spots are either easier for the Liberian to see you or more crowded . " she tells me

" oh so you do This a lot ." I joke

" Of course with all of my boyfriends. They don't mind though ." She says

I laugh a little to hard and she shhh
I stop but I also realize what she said was not that funny it was because she said if any other girl had said it , I don't think I would have found it Funny .
She has her hands on my arms , my is on her waist until I pull back a strand of hair that fell. I look into her eyes which is like silently begging me to kiss her . So I do . And it is like we are not in the library but in a whole other world . She pulls back I guess to take a breath .

" I hope you don't get in trouble for staying so long out is class ." She states

" It fine . But I hope you don't ." I say

" oh don't worry about me I will not . I made sure of it ." She says and laughs all while holding my hand and walking a bit .

" What do you mean ?" I ask

She shakes her head . I can tell she don't want to tell me but Iam going to drag it out of her .

" Abigail you have to tell
Me ." I beg

She looks at me and says

" ok but you may regret it I mean most guys don't like talking about it I don't like talking about it in front of guys but here it goes .I told the teacher I was on my period ."

Eww just eww why would she tell me that .
I am grossed out .

" Eww Abigail I did not need to hear that ." I say a little to loud

She pushes my chest back a bit and shhs me

" I am sorry I didn't mean to be loud but eww Abigail " I whisper

She laughs quietly and says
" Holy Moly I am sorry I wouldn't have told you if I knew you would act like this "
She puts her arms around me. I move them I don't know why exactly.

" Hey Hayes I Am sorry let me make it up to up ." She says

I suck in my breath I can't help it . My head is full of wild thoughts . She moves closer And her lips are mine . She bites again . It don't hurt only pleasure. We make out for the next hour . !!!!

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