Chapter 36

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I cannot believe Hayes just walked out of here , after fighting me . Well he should just go and be with that Willa chick , I don't even remember her from last year , but I was in a different place last year , I wouldn't have noticed her . I walk out of the bathroom. And try to pretend like I am calm when the truth is I am steaming . He did me wrong and he either don't care or don't see it . I guess he is right that I text Finn , but he knows that . He hid this I was honest that is the difference.

We are all outside piling into Elaine boyfriend's tiny car . I don't want to sit next to Hayes , so I try to jump into the back seat like skipping Daisy.

" This ain't going to work Abigail " I hear Hayes say who is still out of the car .

" Why wouldn't ?" I ask

He nods toward Daisy who looks like she could cry . Then Hayes points at Robert who I am sitting on. I didn't realize with me wanting to get away from Hayes . Robert don't notice Hayes pointing to me . He is actually out of it .

" Daisy you look different " he says

I jump out as quick as I got in . I pull Daisy to the side and tell her

" I am sorry I didn't mean to I was not even paying attention, I just really want to get home ."

" You don't like want him or anything?" She asks me
" No of course not " I say and mean it

" Ok because I think I like him and like I would like to be his girlfriend." She says and walks off

Now it is only me and Hayes left to get in . Xavier is sitting in the front with Blakely and some other girl I don't think I know , both girls is on his lap . I try to squeeze up there but Hayes pulls me back he lifts me a little and says

" Just get in. The back on my lap ."

Xavier tilts back as says

" Sorry Abigail there is like no way anyone else can fit ."

I can only see one of his eyes so I know he is squashed

Hayes gets in with a big smirk on his face and I have no other place so I have to so I get in and sit on his lap but as I get in I kick his leg .

" Ow" he shouts to

" Sorry " I say but by my voice I. Know he can tell I deliberately did it .

He pulls me closer and whispers in my ear

" Fistey "

The heat from his touch is enough to make me want to pass out . But I have to ignore it . I am mad at him but when I look at him I want to forgive him . I keep my head facing the front and focus on the music playing . Drake is on and I sing along .

We stop at Daisy's house and she gets out . I didn't realize we had let out some other boy I seen him in Garrett's but I didn't know who he is . I didn't see him when I got in the car I guess because he was on the other side of Robert . So with that boy and Daisy gone I can fit on the seat . I try to get off of Hayes lap but he holds me tight at the waist .

" Just stay here " he whispers

I shake my head no and try to move again . This time Hayes moves and slides me off his lap to the other side and I am by the window . It is like he don't want me sitting next to Robert .

Robert gets out , so now it is only me and Hayes in the back .
" Scoot over " I say and push him
He shakes his head and I just look out the window. A few Seconds later out of nowhere he puts his hand on my thigh . I am in shock but I move it then he grabs my hand and holds for a second I don't move I can't believe he is doing it like my friends is right in the front seat . I finally break my hand free.

When we get to my house I say my goodnights and get out . Just as I reach my door step Hayes turns me around .

" What are you doing ?" I ask
He puts his hands up and says

" I told them you forgot your phone , I just don't want you to be mad None of that was to hurt you  . She got in touch with me and I guess I did kind of brag to the boys cuz they made jokes about it last year I never agreed to hook up , but I thought I would when Finn gets back . You know I would  not kiss another girl while we are doing this ."

  Maybe I am over reacting . It did hurt . God why did it hurt so much ?

        " It's just that you didn't tell me " I say

      " I should have I thought about telling you that me and her was talking but I never planed on telling you anything about hooking up cuz I was not sure I was going to ." He says and plays with his fingers

At least he is being honest .

        " ok " I say

     " ok ?" He says in a question

" so we are good " he adds

" yes we are going to act like this didn't happen " I tell him and he gives me a stunning smile .

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