Chapter 49

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Hayes POV

Another get to gather  , sometimes I feel like I am the only one who gets tired of these things . I get tired of all the drinking . And maybe I am insane but I get tired of being with different girls . I think that is why I am enjoying my time with Abigail so much . It is definitely different.I still can't believe she , told someone , I know. Blakely is her cousin and best friend but still, if I told someone any one she would go crazy . I mean I told Zeeck and Yasmine and she was mad a little and we. Don't even know them .
I don't know what to do I want to forgive her but I
Feel like I need to be mad . I don't know but I feel like I will take one look
At her and I will just
Forgive her .

I have drunk 3 beers and I am feeling buzzed . Abigail has texted 7 times but I was able to ignore her , but when she is here in the flesh it Will be hard to ignore that unbelievable attractive girl.

" Can I sit next to you ?" I hear

I turn around and there she is ,with her plump lips the 1 st thing I notice . Her hair is pulled back in a headband but little curls are flowing she looks sweet as can be . I take a deep breath and say

" It is a free country "
I know that makes no sense but she sits down anyway.

I try not to look at her which is so
Hard to do but I know I will automatically forgive her , the truth is I already have . I just want her to admit she is wrong . I had wonder if she was going to admit it or not .

" So I am sorry I did what I made you promise not  to do I was 100 percent wrong ." She says

My question in my head was answered fairly quick. I look at her ,I did not Not expect her to admit she was wrong this quickly .

I stare at her for a second , her hair is cute with soft curls  she has on a crop top in a watermelon color. and jeans that has rips in them .

" I am truly sorry Hayes you have to forgive me , I just I am so sorry , it was wrong , but she won't tell I mean that is not the point I should not have told her I was just confused and I didn't know what to do and she did already think something was going on . And then I just really needed someone to talk to . I really didn't mean to hurt you , You can pick someone ."

She says all at once .

" Chose someone what do you mean ?" I ask

" You can tell someone like someone you trust . " she says

I know this is a big step for her , and I really don't want to tell no one .

" Look I don't care about telling someone I understand you want it quite but I just didn't think it was fair you told Blakely. "I tell her

" It was not fair , honestly I didn't think of that I just need as it advice ." She says

What is she talking about ?
What could she need advice about ?

" What advice did you need ?" I ask her
She runs her fingers threw her dark hair .

" Well ok here it goes I am going to tell you . But don't make a big deal about it . You like kissed me and it was a real kiss . And I didn't know if it meant something." She says

I suck my breath in and rub my hands on my blue jeans .

" But I know now it don't mean , nothing , I know we are just having fun and I don't want it to end . Please forgive me I was a just feeling alone . I needed to talk to someone . But what I should have done was come to you and talked to you . " she says

I can see she is sorry and tore up , I want to make her feel better. I put my hand on hers and squeeze.

" I don't deserve you ,I basically betrayed you and you are forgiven me , you have forgiven me right ." She says with her voice changing .

I laugh because she does make me laugh , she is just so adorable.

" Yes Abigail I forgive you ." I tell her

We are sitting in the living room with our friends . She is sitting closer to me than she usually does . So close I can smell her perfume. I am not. Complaining, I am really love it .

Daisy sits her camera on the dresser and says

" Everyone jump in " she does

And to my surprise Abigail jumps on my lap . I know my face looks like it is in shock , because I am .
She goes to move and I squeeze her hip she turns her face to me and smiles but she still moves over though she is still sitting beside me I would loved if she stayed on my lap .

Garrett brings out the cards and we move to the table . Me and Abigail is sitting by each other again . Someone I am not sure who because I was obsessing over the fact that Abigail sit down next me out of her own free will . So anyway someone says

" Scout your chairs over and make some room ."

I do so and now mine and her chair is touching they are so close . In mid game which I am not paying attention to I decide to put my hand on her thigh . I do and she don't move me . I see her lips curl up . I can feel her skin threw her ripped jeans .

It is getting late and all I want to do is make  out with this girl sitting next
To me .
" I am going to the bathroom " I announced
I look at her and hope she understands that I would like her to meet me , but I am not sure if she does . I don't want to press it , we have had a strange night and right now things is going good but I don't want to add any other stress . I am washing my hands when she opens the door .

" Good you are washing your hands ." She says

" Yes I know about you and germs so I keep them clean ." I says

She pushes against my chest then she kiss me . This is what I been longing for all night . I want her so bad I always do , sometimes it feels like she wants me and this is one of those times .
She pulls back and looks at me . I push a lose curl behind her ear . The moment feels tender until her headband scratches my finger .

I guess I moved to quick . It did not hurt . And I am not sure she notices.

" Are you ready for the lesson "she asks

" Yes little hottie " I answer
She moves in and gives me a small sweet kiss then she licks my lips and I cannot describe what that feels like or what that does to me . Then she tugs my lips with her lips . Then she nibbles just hard enough. Then she ends it with a closed mouth kiss . She pulls back .

All I can say is " Wow"

She giggles . I never felt something like that before .

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