Chapter 42

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I trying to make my self look extra cute tonight . I am mad about how Hayes talked to me , he wants to hook up with some girl and he has that right . I mean I just guess it's are night is off and that is fine , but I am still going to look good and try to have fun . I put on my favorite high heels and my dress with the sides cut outs . My hair is curled . I have on dark make up . I look in the mirror and I look Hot .

I look around the place every time some girl arrives I wonder if that is who Hayes wants to hook up with . Other than Daisy and Elaine the only other girl I recognize is Tia she is probably the one . The other girls seems stuck up  . Hayes and Robert show up together when I see him it's like my breath has been took out of my body . They sit down away from us .

" I have been nominated to do they name pulling so let get this thing started . " Robert says loudly as he stands up

I get nervous, my stomach is doing flips .
What if I get pulled with one of these guys and they try something. What if I get pulled with Hayes he prombly try to trade with who ever got who ever it is he wants to hook up with .

Robert is calling the names on the 2 Nd names I hear my name then he says
            " Hayes"
Oh no he is not going to be happy .

Robert motions for Hayes to get up and then me so we walk over toward him he hands Hayes an envelope.

After all the names are called . Robert says

            " Ok Good luck  to everyone "

               " We have to walk a ways  our starting point is down a bit ." He states

I look around people all are walking in different directions.

               " So why is everyone walking in different directions?" I ask

         " Because each team can only go to certain places in the woods , like we are only going to in the part we are assigned to ." He answers

He sounds like he knows what he is talking about . He has played this prombly lots of times .

         " Sorry that I messed up your hook up night , I mean if there is a way you could trade you could try ." I say

           " It don't work like that you get who you pull ." He says and walks quicker . 

He looks frustrated, maybe he is really mad over not hooking up with Tia or who ever .

He stops and I catch up .

          " Put your flashlight on your phone "he demands

He opens the envelope and reads the things what have to do .

1. Climb a tree
2 . Pick up a bug
3. Finish the race

            " eww I don't want to pick up a bug . "I say

            " Fine you just take the picture. I will do that and the tree but we both have to finish the race .

As we walk further into the woods it looks scary. I am glad that I am here with Hayes.
He maybe mad that he is here with me .
He maybe wanting to hook up with another girl .
But I know he would never let nothing happen to me .

               " You ain't talking much little hottie ."
Hayes says

             " I don't know " I say and I don't know why I said that

             " Well you are acting strange " he says

Then he walks fast over to a small enough tree

                " They didn't say how big it had to be ." He Says and laughs at his own self .

                   He takes off his shirt and it like I am in a trance . I am starring and I can't help it . I pull out of the trance by his shirt hitting me in the face .

I snap out of it but the embarrassment I am sure is on my face .
He picks up his shirt and hands it to me and says

          " see if you was not checking me out my shirt would not have fell on the ground ."

             " I was not checking you out ." I lie

           " huh un" he says as he climbs up the tree

          I watch as his muscles move as he climbs .

       " Take a picture it last longer " he yells

     " No joke take a picture we need to for the list ." He adds

I forgot all about the list , I do it something tells me I will be keeping it after tonight .

He climbs down and reaches for his shirt

               " It makes you nervous that I don't have a shirt on dont it ." He says and walks.  Closer to me .

               " no it don't " I say and back away

              "   Come on admit it " he says still walking even though he is close to me .

I shake my head and back up more .

              " Why are you not talking or not acting like your self ." He asks

I should not have to answer that he should know . He acted like a jerk at lunch .

                   " You acted like a asshole at lunch and I know you say that is how you are with your friends but you are not like that with me . I didn't like you like how you was being . And I am sorry if I messed up your game it was not my intention you can still hook up with whoever after this ." I say

           " Shut up " he shouts

              " There's the girl I know who just talks and talks ." He says

              " Well  let just get this over with where you can go hook up with who ever ." I shout

          " Why do you that to your self . Don't you see I am where I want to be. When I said I was going to hook up with who I want to tonight I was meaning you . " he says and looks sincere

I can't hardly believe it .

          " Really " I let slip from my lips

           " Remember I told you I had a lesson for the woods ." He says

I guess I had forgot but he didn't

               " What is the lesson ? I ask

               " Making out on a tree ." He says and then quickly pushes me back against the tree and kisses me

I can't lie it is hot . I am holding on to his muscular arms . Our tongues is in their own little paradise . His hands is rubbing   my sides right where the cut outs are on the dress . We are moving our heads every so often . I feel how close he is to me and he is close but I want him closer . I keep trying to pull him more into me . But he is already so close . I don't want to stop . I may never want to stop . In fact I know for sure I want to go further. !!!

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