Chapter 7

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"So is that fine ." I hear my mother say

I was lost in my thoughts about if Hayes thinks I am good kisser or not . Well I know he is holy moly he is a good kisser
        " Mara I think our beautiful girl is day dreaming ." My father says

         " Sorry what was the question " I ask

       " Can You baby sit your brother on Friday night we will be out late ." My mother answers me

         " yea that is fine ." I say to her and smile  , but I really don't want to cuz I want to meet Hayes .

Blakely and I walk into the school together, I feel nervous . I don't know if Hayes will talk to me if he will tell everyone even though he said he wouldn't . I really don't know if he is mad at me for my outburst . And really he kissed me again so he must not think that I am that bad of a kisser . He maybe just a nice guy trying to teach me because I begged him .

         " So are you going to the beach party Saturday.?" Blakely asks

            " Beach party but it's not summer or even spring " I say
              " Yea but Garrett throws one every year it bes fun ." She exclaims

         " Umm I will see " I say 

Really don't want to go because I want to spend time with Hayes and I am already baby sitting on Friday . So that will be 2 days with no practice .
I look over and Hayes is putting his books in his locker . He don't look at me so either he is mad or he is not telling  anyone.

   It is 7:00 and I have not heard from Hayes so I ain't for sure if he decided not to come and get me , but I cleaned myself up anyway . I have on a light pink corset top and a pink frilly flora skirt . Just when I was getting really tired of waiting  , my phone dings
                      ( Walk out Little hottie )

I don't reply I just walk fast out of my house .
He looks divine in a white sweater .

                     " Are you ready Little hottie " he says

                     " yea " I say and smile

           And we squeal off .

We park in a spot at look out point it looks just like I expected . The night is as dark as can be it is almost scary .
                 " So we are here " I say with my hands in my lap
                   " Here we are the famous look out point " he says and laughs

I let out a nervous laugh . He raise the console and says.
                " come closer "

So I scouted over with butterflies in my stomach .
He lets out a deep breathe could he be nervous too . Nah not Hayes .
                   " my favorite song is Hurt so good by John Mellcamp . My favorite Movie is Elf or top gun .
My favorite band is maroon5   .  I love Bruce Willis and I guess I really don't have a fav actress and I want to go to UCLA everyone can't get in early like you Abigail my mother is a chef my father is a dentist" he says "
wow I feel like you with the rambling." He adds
Aww he notices that I ramble, I guess anyone would .
His father is a dentist that explains his perfect teeth.

              " That is a lot of info " I state

" you asked all that last night ." He says

                    " I guess I did "  I say with a smile

" Well what is yours ? " he asks

" Fav song I turn to you by Christina Aguilera , fav movie the notebook . Band is All American rejects , fav actor is Ben Affleck , fav actress is Jennifer Aniston . My mom a nurse and dad is in advertising, And you know about Berkeley .
I say
" I do and that is really impressive getting in a year early ." He says

Then he just stares at me .
I don't know what he is doing what I should be doing or  what is going on . Finally he pulls me closer and tilts his head and his lips are on mine and it's paradise. His hands are on my hips and they  feel like they was meant to be . His tounge is doing his magic and mine follows his lead . He pulls back just a tad and ends the kiss with puckered lips I can't say how that made me feel but I guess it is driving me wild . He kisses me again but it's a closed mouth kiss and again he does it as he is moving his hands up and down my sides .
" You can touch me if you want." He says
I know is he is right I should but I am scared .

" Where " I ask in between kisses

" Anywhere you want I won't stop you from touching me anywhere " he says in between kisses

I put my arms around his neck he squeezes my sides . He leans into me and he opens his mouth wider and his perfect tounge invades my mouth . And mine invaded his . It feels as though I am floating . So I move my hands to his strong shoulders. I really really like his shoulders . He holds on to me tighter . I hear a moan escape that beautiful mouth . I think that means he is enjoying it . He now puts his hands under my shirt at the bottom . I love the feel of his hands on my skin . I move my tounge faster and he does too . And we kiss and kiss and kiss until his phone Rings . He backs away and answers . I don't move cuz I feel a little light headed . I don't pay no attention to what he says so when he gets off the phone I ask him who was it he says
" My Mom can you believe that it is almost 11 ." He says
Wow he picked me. Up a little after 7 wow time stood still while we was making out .
" It don't seem that late " I say breathless

" Are you going to the beach party" he asks me and holds my hand .

I am take. A back by that but it feels right .

" I don't know but you should " I say

" Also Friday I have to babysit my brother so that is 2 nights we won't be doing this ." I say

" Oh " he says
He starts up the engine and looks at me and says
" You know I don't want to leave but my mom wants me home ."
" I understand " I say

" So today's lesson went good ?" He asks
I nod . And watch his dark eyes sparkle
" I see what the girls was talking about they are not wrong ." I say and immediately regret it
He smiles  a big smile and laughs

" I think tomorrow lesson will be you start ." He says
" What does that mean " I ask
"I thought that you would start things but you never made the 1 st move , That is why I waited a few minutes." He says

" I just don't know what to do , its like hard and you was asking questions and we was talking and I did not know how , it's not that I didn't want to I wimped out cuz I am a scared chicken I guess I should have sorry ." I admit

" You are doing great ." He says
I don't know if he is being nice or if he means it . But I am excited and worried about how I am going to make the 1 st move tomorrow.!

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