Chapter 35

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Hayes POV
As we pull up to Garrett's house . Abigail makes a gasp.
" What is wrong "I ask her

" It's just that they will know we came here together." She answers

Does this girl really think that less of me that she can't be seen with me . It hurts my feelings and my self esteem. I look at her face searching for a answer to a question that I have not asked out loud . She is so sweet I know she don't mean to hurt me . I guess she can't help how she feels .

" Well you can go in 1 st I will wait a few minutes " I tell her

When I get in Abigail is still standing in the door way talking to Elaine

" I am desianted driver tonight and I have Ian's car it is small but I will make due . " Elaine tells Abigail

" Hey , you are not drinking I thought I was gonna have to stay sober I couldn't get a ride here so I am in my truck you can drive it if you want it is bigger."

I tell Elaine and Abigail eyes have not left me , I don't know if she is upset I offer my truck to Elaine or not .

" No Ian would be mad if I left his car here , but drink you can ride with us and leave your truck parked here until tomorrow." She tells me with a smile

I smile back and walk away brushing Abigail arms as I do . Maybe that was mean but I just wanted to . Now that I know I have a ride I want to drink and forget Abigail wanted to leave look out point and come here I want to forget that she is texting Finn about nonsense stuff.

4 beers later I am feeling better I have not forgot anything but I feel better . I go sit where some of the crowd is I sit on the seat with Daisy and Robert who I guess now might be a couple . I was worried he was wanting Abigail but maybe I am wrong . Or maybe Daisy just got to him before he could get to Abigail. Robert is not like me and Finn he is a girlfriend kind of boy .

Garrett walks in and squeezes himself between Abigail and Elaine.
Abigail takes a drink she seems uncomfortable.

" Hey sweetheart " he says and taps Abigail on the shoulder

I roll my eyes. But then hope no one saw that I did that.

" Hey Garrett " she says

My phone dings a loud a annoying sound that is a text on my phone from Willa
I smile at it . It is nice to reconnect with her . She told me she is coming back in town and would like to hook up. We tried a lot last year it just never happened and I really don't see it happening now .
I have not led  her on  I just told her we will see when she gets here .

" Oh by the smile on your face that must be Willa " Garett says

Abigail eyes go wide .
I shouldn't have told the guys that Willa reached out but I did .

" Who is Willa " Abigail asks

" That is the closes thing to a girlfriend Hayes has ever had . " Garrett tells her

I could kick him in the face right now

" She is not my Girlfriend " I say loudly

" But you have try harder with her than you have any other girl ." Garrett so smugly says

Abigail face looks red . She looks away from me and take a drink of her drink .

" We never even kissed " I explain

"What day is she coming back because y'all are long over due and by the texts you showed she is way hot for you " Garrett says

wow he don't know when to shut up

" I am not sure what day she ain't sure her self it may not even happen " I say

and hope Abigail. Can tell by my voice that Willa don't mean nothing to me well not nothing but that I don't want her .

" When she gets here we won't see you for 2 days because y'all will be going at it ." Garrett says

My anger and new found dislike for Garrett is growing . I don't say nothing because I don't know what to say . Abigail looks hurt and that is the last thing I want to do .

" It is getting late is everyone ready ? Elaine speaks up

" I am going to the bathroom " Abigail says to her friend

I have to talk to her to make her see and some what understand .

" I am ready I will grab my coat."I lie I didn't even have a coat on .

I wait outside the bathroom for Her , when she walks out , I put my hand on the door and say

" We need to talk."

" No we don't " she says rudely and try to walk past me but I block her .

She looks at me and shakes her head

" We can talk here or in there ." I say calmly

I know she will pick the bathroom because she don't want no one seeing us talking to each other
She backs up into the bathroom .I walk in and shut the door.

" Sorry you found out about Willa like that" I say and I feel like a whimp saying it

" Are you sorry that I found out you are texting her or that y'all will hooking up or shacking whatever ." She says

She is nervous and it's cute but really how dare her she don't want me all she wants is Finn

" 1 st of all I can text who ever I want like you text Finn . And 2 Nd I don't know when she is coming to town but I was not going to hook up with her unless Finn is back because when he is back this thing is over . " I say and storm out.!!

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