Chapter 39

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I am pacing the floor of my room . Thoughts of the kiss . We have kissed lots of times and really long intense hot kisses . But this was different. It would be classified as a real kiss. We was not doing a lesson , so there should be no kissing .

" ok what is the emergency " Blakely says as she walks into my room.

I had to call her I have to talk to someone about this .
It is not something I want to share because when Finn comes back then I will be with him , but I have to figure out what is going on .

" Thanks for coming and can you sit
Down please ." I tell her

A worried look is now on Blakely face.

" Everything is fine " I assure her

" Ok there is something going on with me and Hayes ". I say

Blakely jumps up and screams
" I knew it"

". Now is
Not the time for I told you so this is serious and I need your help or advice or something." I say

"Ok " she says

" There is something going on with Hayes Palmer and it is hard to explain . It started out casually and there were moments of intensity , but the plan that is what it was . " I say and a tear excapes my eye .

I know why I am so upset , it is because I don't know how I feel about Hayes . And I can't admit it . But I know there's is something there but I am not sure what . He is playing this game and when Finn gets back it will be over . But Finn won't probably want me long term either .

" Plan?" Blakely questions

" Yes plan Blakely , this is all your doing actually, practice you said . Well I have practice . " I say

" So what you made out at the beach , you have to get past he is only a one time guy . " she states

" No we made out a lot like a whole lot ." I tell her

Her face shows surprised . She sits down on my bed and then asks

" When you say a lot you mean ."

" Since The night after Garrett's 1st party " I answer

Blakely let's out a sigh and she looks like she will pass out .

"That is a long time for a boy who only kiss a girl for one night . " she says

" Well we have a understanding , a agreement." I tell her

She looks confused and I can see how .

" Like I told him up front and he was ok with it he agreed to help me . He knows it stops when Finn gets back that this is a learning experience for me . " I explain

" ok well that is good I know you will learn he is a good kisser. " she says

I hate hearing her say that . But I try to act not affected by it .

" So I don't understand why are you so panicked ?" She asks

" Because today he has me meet him only to tell me something just a little something and when we went to leave he kissed me he really kissed me ." I tell her

" So what you been kissing him ." She says and laughs

" Yea but we said from the beginning no real kisses ." I say

Again her face looks so confused.

" See we could only kiss while a lesson was going on this was not a lesson. It was sweet and short , and like how a boyfriend would kiss a girlfriend. And I am not naïve enough to think that is what it is but it was a real kiss . " I tell her

" I don't know " she says

My cousin at a lost for words and advice I never thought I would never see the day .

" Ok here is what you should do ." She says

There she is I knew she would have an opinion.

" You have to ask your self these questions.
Are you having fun ?
Do you want to keep doing this going ?
Are you learning ?
Can you handle it!" She asks me

" Yes to all of the questions " I reply

The only one that I am little unsure of is Can I handle it . I think I can but that fact that I am having fun and I want to keep doing this and I am learning is more reasons to keep then I might can not handle it . I think I can I mean I know what it was when it started . So I am just going to continue to have fun with this hot boy and when my long time crush returns I will hopefully find love .

" So just relax and have fun ." She tells me and she is right !

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