Chapter 70

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I got to school late . I had a bad hangover. I walk out of the bathroom and see my friends standing in a huddle .

" Hey you look like shit " Daisy says

" Thanks Daisy " I say

" Ok so you and Finn drunk on y'all date ." Elaine asks

I look at Blakely she gives me a sympathetic look .

I am about to tell them all he didn't even remember but then out of no where Finn walks by and hugs me and says

" Can't wait for tonight I got something special planned." Then He walks away

My friends. All scream  which hurt my ears.

" Ok lower please " I tell them

" I don't think you realize a second date with Finn that is like a 1 st date with Brad Pitt it would never happen ,but it has for you . I know you have a hangover but you should be excited." Elaine says

The bell rings and I jump and we all walk to our classes . Elaine is right I should be more excited . I know it ain't the secound date like she thinks . But I still should be excited . I tell myself I am not excited because I have a hangover but I know in my heart it is something to do with Hayes . Who really did me wrong last night he just walked away after us almost having sex . It has to be some other reason.

I walk into the class room and see Hayes when he sees me he looks away . I guess I should be happy because Daisy told me I look like shit I would not want him to see me like that. After that class I go quickly to the bathroom . I would have talked to Hayes then because I think we should but Daisy's words of me looking like shit keeps coming to mind . I pinch my cheeks and that brings a little more color to my face . I run my fingers threw my hair . I put on some lip gloss and leave .
If Hayes is still by his locker I will talk to him , if he is not than I won't .
He is there and looks like a dream . I feel my heart beat faster with every step .
I walk behind him and say

" Hi Hayes can we talk "

He turns around and his face is full of color and he is just perfect . The perfect one the only one for me . What we said to each other last night .

" Hi Abigail you know the bell will ring soon" he answer me

" Yea it just that last night " I say and start to say more but he puts his hand up

"That was wrong you are Finn's girl now " he says

" We almost has sex" I whisper

" But we didn't but if we had it would Been a horrible mistake ." He tells me

" Hayes how can you say that " I say and hold back tears

" You are with Finn so it would have been a mistake you should go out with him ." He says

He wants me to go out with Finn . I don't get it .

" So that is it then all this what dose it mean what does any of it mean Hayes ." I demand a answer

The bell rings .

" All I know for sure is you are Finn's girl so you are off limits we will see each other around ." He says and walks away .

He was so calm . There is no way I meant anything to him . He couldn't be like that if I did. He could. Not even wait one night . He was going to hook up with a girl he could hook up with anytime , I know he probably could hook up with any girl anytime he wants to .but she just seems too desperate to me .
And saying I was Finn's like I am his he don't own me not at all. I am embarrassed because we almost did it . I don't know if he will tell people. I mean the Hayes I thought I knew wouldn't have . But he is not acting like the Hayes I knew or I thought I knew . I guess I should just go on out with Finn I mean Hayes told me to and he could not have any real feelings for me if he wants me to go out with Finn. !!!!!

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