Chapter 20

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I have my hair mostly up with some strands hanging down . I spent be a lot of time on my make up I wanted it to look perfect . So I watched some make up turioals on YouTube. The hot pink body con dress I have on is low cut so it shows a lot of cleavage, and it is short . But I have to say that the part of me it shows off more is my ass or maybe my hips .
Elaine texts that she is in front of my house . I grab the only long coat I own and throw it on to cover up my half naked outfit . I could not let my father see me dressed  like this he would ground me until I turned 49 .
" Do not be later then 12:30 young lady " I hear my father say just as I am reaching for the door handle .
I turn to him and say
" Of course "
Thank God that I had the coat on to cover myself .
When I get into the car I take the coat off .
And my friends stare . Daisy says

" Wow nice out fit "

" Thanks I will get my coat later"  I say

Garrett place is not that crowded so I guess it was just a get together . As we walk in Garrett Greets  us by hugging us one by one . I pull back quickly I don't want to lead this boy on . I look around for Hayes he is no where to be seen he is probably in a room with Tia . I feel my anger grow  so I walk into the kitchen and get a drink .
My friends is sitting in the couch with Garrett who is smiling and laughing . That makes me happy I felt bad that I used him to get here but he is having a good time . I see Hayes come in from the back yard . He is dressed in jeans and a blue Tommy hilfinger  shirt he looks so hot . I take a big gulp . The taste makes me gag but I take another one I have to if I am going to do this . I don't even know what I am doing all I know is that I am mad . I am mad at Hayes for ditching me . And lieing about hooking up with another girl . He finally notices me and when he does he stops in his tracks but then he rushes over to me .
                    " Hey little hottie " he says in a low voice
I just look at him I don't answer .

                      " I didn't think you would be here ." He says and he looks me up and down. And then he looks me up and down again.

I feel anger toward him cuz he can look  at me that way but not respect me enough to not lie . All he had to do was be truthful , I think I would be fine with that .
I walk past him and go to the kitchen and refill my cup . He comes up next to me I did not notice he followed me in here .   

                         " Are you mad or something." He asks

                         " No " I say then laugh I can't have him think I am mad or should he know ?

I don't know I am confused right now . I take another big gulp cuz what will make me not confused is more alcohol.

                          " I text you and you text back that it was fine ." He says and sounds so sincere

I see Tia walk in . So that means she was not with Hayes . So I know they was not hooking up ,or least not since this party started . I feel relief and I look at Hayes who is looking intensely at me . Maybe I should just let this go . Maybe he just wanted this night for his boys . But then why is she doing here . He is still looking at me with the same intensely . He wouldn't be here trying to see if I am mad if he didn't care if I was mad or not .

                      " Hey Hayes "  Tia screams and waves while on her tippy toes .

   He turns from me and waves and yells

                    " Tthing "

He has a nick name for her too . My heart feels like it stopped . But I won't be treated like that .
I walk past him and bump into him hard . As I am way from him I hear him say.

                        " Abigail where are you going ?"

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