Chapter 10

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                                 Hayes POV

I found myself driving to Abigail's house , I was on my way to meet my friends at the bowling alley , but I kept thinking about her . So now I am sitting in my truck just looking at her house . I don't know what is wrong with me . She is babysitting so this is like my night off I could hook up with another girl , but I don't want to . Because I want to see her . I think about her parents not being home and that gives me the courage to get out of the truck and see her . I walk up and knock on her door , I feel excited , I want to see if her hair is up or if it is hanging straight or curly . O my goodness what is wrong with me . I never cared or have I ever thought about those things before . I am in deep I have to stop this . I turn around and try to high tail it out of there , but then I hear  her soft voice saying my name and I am hooked again . I turn around and I realize I am going to have fun tonight .  I walk threw her door as she asks
                " Hayes what you doing here ?"

                 " I thought you might need help babysitting ." I lie

She has zebra slippers and a zebra robe and her hair is in a nob .
                            " Oh you don't have to ." She says

                      " I don't have shit else to do ." I say and try to sound like I don't care .

We walk into the living room her brother is playing a golf game .
                    " Len this is my friend Hayes ." Abigail introduces  me .
                   " Hey" I say with a Little wave
He looks up and grins , and says

                         " So you are my sisters boyfriend "

                           " No Len" Abigail shouts

It hurts that she may be ashamed of me I know she wouldn't want her Brother to know about us . Wow I have to remind myself that we are not a couple , we are just doing this thing to help her get Finn .

                           " What I am is a boy who is her friend ." I say hoping I sound not hurt at all .

I look at her and she looks greatful . I walk over and sit down next to her brother and start playing the game .                 " I am going to try to beat you . " I say

The little boy laughs and Abigail does too and then she says
                   " See he is going to be the next Tiger woods ."

We play and the kid is good he laughs and tells me jokes .
                 " Time for bed ." Abigail says

I think Thank God to myself

                   ". No I am hungry " he claims

                " Ok I will fix you a snack then immediately after you are done you have to go to bed." She demands
  "Alright ." Len agrees

The little boy nods , and gives me a grin like he has gotten away with something and I guess he did .

                   " You want something Hayes We  have all kinds of food anything you want really ?" She asks

My mind goes to things that I really want . Like her . I would like to kiss her . Touch her . And I would love to sleep with her but I know that is not happening. But maybe I could get some kisses . I jump up and say
                      " Yea I will check out what you got ."

I am not sure if she notices what I was meaning . She is walking in front of me . She has a robe on but I still can't help but look at her behind .

She is stirring cheese into the easy Mack and I may be staring a little to hard at her .
                        " Look and see what you want ." She says and points to the cabinets

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