Chapter 33

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Hayes POV

Sunlight hits her skin so perfectly. This is odd but a good feeling . Waking up with Abigail in my arms . I been awoke for about 20 minutes, I just can't bring myself to get up . I am so comfortable. This is nice really nice .

" holy Moly it is almost time for school" Abigail says loudly
She jumps up and grabs her robe . I get up too like I have not been laying there taking in her beauty and being in paradise holding her .

" I am such a bad person " she cries

" No Abigail nothing happened we just slept and held each there was no nothing there was no sex. " I say awkwardly

" No I know that Hayes I mean I was suppose to be watching my brother and I never even checked on him ." She says and rushes out .

I walk over to the other side
Of the bed and pick up my shirt , and put it on . Her phone dings . It is a text from Finn . I didn't pick it up but I seen it across the screen. It said
( Good Morning sunshine )

I feel sick to my stomach but I put my shirt on.

" He is fine " Abigail says as she walks back into the room
I feel guilty she is all worked up and I was like in paradise .

" I am sorry Abigail, it is just laying here with you , well I never done that with anyone and I am sorry if that got into the way of  babysitting. " I tell her

" It is fine he is fine and we are fine but you have to leave ." She tells me

I understand that , I am sure she is not supposed to have boys spend the night .

She puts her hands on my chest stopping me from going toward the door.

" You can't go down stairs sorry but my parents maybe down there , you have to go that way ." She says and points to the window

During 1 st period I keep thinking of Finn's text to Abigail. I know it was just good morning sunshine .
But that just means that she is like the 1 st thing he thinks of when he wakes up . I mean texting that early they have to be getting close . I know she likes him . I know they will hook up and if anyone can change Finn it would be her . I don't like admitting it but she has changed me .

At lunch I am sitting with Garrett. He is talking about sports when I see her she has on a crop top and peatal pusher that are tight . The sight of her takes my breath away . She walks past us . I try to act cool like I don't notice her . But Garrett has to stop her
" Hey sweetheart " he says to her

Sweetheart now Garrett has a nickname for her . And now I am jealous of Garret what is going on with me .
" Hey " she say looking at me then Garrett and back and forth

" You look very nice today ." Garrett tells her
She smiles and says

" Thank you"

Her friends scream her name and motion for her to come sit with them .

" See y'all around " she says

I turn and watch her walk away
I never even think of someone is seeing me not even Garrett .

" Nice ain't it I mean she has a fine ass" Garrett says
My fist goes in a ball . I feel angry. But I know he means no harm really .

" We shouldn't be talking about girls like that " I say to him

He busts into laughter , I don't blame him really. We always talk about girls like that , and it ain't right but we do . But I feel protective or something over her .

After I ran track I go into the locker room and see I have a missed call from. Willa Ticker . I had to blink because I couldn't believe my eyes .
Willa was in our school last year then she moved away . Me and her spent most of the year trying to hook up . It was always something getting in the way . I call her back I can't imagine . What she could want . !!

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