Chapter 27

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Walking threw Garrett's large house is a bit of a work out . I finally spot my friends , so I walk over there . Daisy is dancing with Robert , they seem a little more than friendly. Blakely runs over to me and hugs me and says
" where did you wonder off to ."

" I was just walking and this house is so big I got lost ." I lie and hope it is convincing

I drink a little but no where near drunk . My phone dings it is Hayes

( Meet me in the guest house again)

I don't want to and I don't know why . Maybe it is cuz he brang up Finn I don't know why he did . Or maybe cuz he mention sex I don't want to lead him on . I told him from the get go what this was .
I text him back.

(No pick some place else ) I text back
I know he will think of some place , I am just buying time . I want to see him . I just don't want to lead him on or hurt him .

" Hey there partner " I hear from behind me it is Sam .
" Hey Sam " I say
Sam seems like a nice guy , he is smart and not rude at all .
We talk for a few mins .

" would you like a piece of gum ?" He asks
I guess I can I mean I gave up on drinking tonight . I am too worried to .

" umm yeah ." I answer
I chew the gum that taste like watermelon.

" So are you here with anyone ?" He asks

" Just my friends . How about you ." I answer then ask
"Yea a few friends " he says

" Hey what is going on here .? " Hayes says in a angry voice .

He walked and slightly pushed Sam and got between us . I look at him for a second stunned .

                " This is Sam . He is my lab partner " I say

                 " your Hayes Palmer, you run track with my brother he says you are really good" Sam says

I can tell Hayes anger has subsided by Sam's kind words  , But I am left thinking about Hayes in his track out fit . I have to shake it off .

                              " Upstairs bathroom the one to the left " Hayes whispers in my ear

As he walks by like he is so cool. Sam just looks but I know he has no ideal what Hayes has whispered in my ear . I chat with Sam for about ten mins and then I excused myself , I told him I was going to find Blakely when in fact I was going to hook up with Hayes .

He pulls me into the bathroom, all at once his hands are all over me , he picks me up and sits me on the sink counter and while it's very sexy my mind goes to it's a little gremy . I push him back .

                     " Hey what's" he says then stops and pulls the gum that was in my mouth just a minute ago out of his .

                        " hey watermelon " he says and laughs
I jump down from the sink . He looks at me with a strange look.

                       " What's wrong ?" He asks as he put the gum back into his mouth . And when he does his lips pucker and makes a sound .

                           " Nothing is wrong ." I say and put my hands on his chest and lean in to kiss him .

            He stops me though . I am a little in shock .

                " Baby what is wrong ?" He asks

Again he called me baby , every time he does that it messes with my head .

   So I decide to go ahead and tell him.

                         " Ok so this is a sink in a bathroom and it's not just a sink like your bathroom or my bathroom but it is a sink in a bathroom at party and it is dirty and I have a little not big but little germ phobia. " I say

He laughs and throws his head back then he takes his hands and puts them on my shoulder and rubs them and then he looks in my eyes and says

                  " I get it let's just go to the rooftop."

                 " Roof top " I say but I am really asking but he don't get that cuz he ignores.

                          " but 1 st " he says and then pulls me into a kiss

It is a beautiful magical kiss and when he pulls back I feel something I laugh when I see it is my gum from earlier . I don't think I would have ever imagined sharing gum with anyone . But then again we have made out a lot and I guess it is the same . I let him walk out 1 st I let like 3 mins past and then I leave . The roof top it seems so romantic and dangerous. I wonder how I get to it . I bump into some one when she turns around I see it is Blakely .

                 " Hey girl " she screams

                    " what are  you doing walking around by your self " she follows up with in a protective tone

                       " Oh you know , I am just walking kind of looking for the roof top ." I say

                " roof top is right threw that window ." She says and points
                 " look I have to go but find someone to sit out on the roof top with you I don't want you to be alone . " she says
I smile , cuz I know I won't be alone .

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