Chapter 53

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                   Hayes POV
Looking out the window of class it appears to be a gloomy day . It was not earlier when me and Abigail was on the school stairs , the sun was shining not a cloud in sight , not that I looked at the sky . All I wanted was to make her feel better I could tell she was upset . I did want to know what exactly went on with Garrett. I guess that is just how it is when she is around the day is pretty when she is not around it is gloomy .  What is wrong with me . These thoughts are like girly or something . I know now for sure I have feelings for her . Deep and true feelings. I was going to tell her last night , but I just couldn't . I am scared of  her rejecting me if she does it is over it would have mean she never cared . Right now I can pretend she cares . Sometimes it really does seem
Like she does .

                  " I hate meatloaf" Garrett says and sticks a fork in his meatloaf then takes a bite .

I brang lunch , I am glad to because the meatloaf looks disgusting.

           " Hey girls over here eat with us ." Garrett screams

I can read fear on Abigail 's face as Daisy pulls her arm . I don't understand why Garrett wants her to eat lunch with us she already turned him down.

Abigail tries to sit on the other side but Daisy sits before she Can . I feel bad   for her .
I scout over but Garret says

           " Man she can sit right here between us."
She sits even though I know she don't want to .

Garrett watches her as she puts a Potato chip in her mouth . That pervert.

            " So have you reconsider." He asks her

I don't know who is more awkward her or me .

              " Garrett I just see you as a friend ." She says sweetly but sternly

           " Do you think you can keep it as a secret ." He begs

         " of course " she answers

I will not tell no one I know how much that could hurt to be rejected and people know it . I mean I never been rejected before but I can imagine , and then add that fact people know would just add to the pain .
The rest of the lunch was uneventful.

I see Abigail standing by her locker , looking at her phone . She is smiling and laughing . She seems so happy . As I walk by I nod .

                  " Hey look at this ." She says still laughing she hands me her phone

It is a baby doing a dance on  tic toc , it is pretty funny .

I laugh and look at her who is still laughing and smiling.
                  " Funny " I say and I look her up and down.

Her phone dings with a text I look at it without thinking it is . Finn , I read it it says

                   " looks like I will be home earlier then I thought see you Monday. "

I feel like I am going to pass out . Monday he will home Monday today is
Friday .

I hand her phone to her she has a worried look on her face but she don't say nothing . I just walk off.
I have to do something get out of here . I feel like getting drunk but instead I decide to run .

On my fifth lap I stop for a drink of water and I check my phone . I have 3 missed calls from Abigail. She text me once asking if I was ok . I also have a text from Blakely which is odd , maybe she did it for Abigail.  I read it and it says

                 ( Where are you we need to talk )
I tell her and start running again.

This time I only make 2 laps before I see Blakely walking up . I get a drink of water and wait for whatever she is about to say . She better not be bringing me no bull , because I am not in the mood I am already steaming mad .

                           " Hayes " she greets me with her arms crossed

                      " I just want to clear the air I know what kind of guy you are and you could never really be with a girl like my cousin ." She says rudely

Ouch mean I knew she could be mean but she starting off mean

                " Really because I made out with her every night for almost a month ."  I point out and I am happy with my comeback.

                   " This is not a game ." She shouts

              " This was her ideal " I shout back just as loud

She shakes her head like she don't believe it and says

                  " You are taking advantage of her . We pushed her and you took advantage." She says

            " I did not she came to me . I did nothing wrong  . We have had fun ." I say

    " Yeah but Hayes she could get hurt ." She claims

       " Hurt I would never hurt her we never did anything she didn't want to ." I say

She looks at me strange and then starts to cry.

I don't know what to do or what to think .

              " It is my fault I pushed her into the arms of a play boy ." She says and sits on a bench .

I know that was supposed to be a insult but all I can think about is how she thinks I can hurt her .

                  " You will go on after you are finished of whatever this is , and she will be devastated."she mumbles

             " You got it wrong she is the one who will be moving on . You know all about Finn." I remind her

          " Yea but she not that type she is doing this almost like to prove a point once you are done she will try Finn and then she won't be able , because she will probably done have fallen for you ." She says

I feel happy are her last words .

              " You think she could fall for me ?" I ask
And pray To God she says yes .

               " Hayes she questioned everything about you to me so I think she is leading that way . " she says I can't hide the smile on my face .

She slaps me in the arm and says
           " See you are a jerk your are playing a game with her ."

   " I am not I swear." I say and put my hands up
Blakely gets up and then she says

        " Listen just stop with this she is a great girl and while it maybe fun to play with her feelings it is not nice and a girl like her will not recover so easily . So do her a favor and just leave her alone."

She walks away . I don't know why Blakely thinks I am a monster but really I am too happy that she thinks that Abigail could be falling for me and she question things about me . That means I am in her mind . It don't even matter if Finn is coming back I am here now .  Now all I have is 3 days but I am going to make it count !!!!!

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