Chapter 66

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The whole way to the party I been thinking . Trying to figure what would I say to Hayes . Do I really have to ask him to wait one more day that ain't fair . Maybe instead of just seeing where things will go with Finn I should just see where things go with Hayes . He is really sweet and so attractive. I know I like him and he told me he has feelings for me. . Unless that is a lie . My mind keeps going back to this is a game that Hayes only wants me because he thinks Finn does . So I guess I will just see where things go with Hayes .

               The party is loud like I knew it would be . I scan the room for Hayes . When my eyes see him my breathe is took from my lungs . He looks so handsome how could I want anyone else there is no one else like him . Then 2 girls come and sit on each side of him one had her hand on his leg . He don't move her hand he don't get up ,no he talks to them . He is laughing and loud too . I feel my heart break literally break .
He is probably hooking up with at least one of them . So much for one night he could give me one night . Truth is I am mad at myself when he told me I should have said I have feelings for you too . Not sure how I feel for Finn but I know I have feelings for you . But I didn't . Even though it makes me mad at myself for not saying what I know I felt he still moved on too quickly especially after knowing from my text that I do indeed have feelings for him . The one girl is pushing back his hair . I can't watch this no more .
As I turn to walk away , I realize that I know that girl it is Uma from the bday skating rink . It was her bday wish to kiss him so I know that will happen now .
I walk quicker and somehow my feet trip over something. I jump up hoping no one notices . I don't think no one did I thought that until I feel someone grab my arm . It is Sam.

                  " Are you ok partner " he asks
He is sweet and kind .

              " Yeah I am fine ." I answer him and look around I don't think no one else saw and as far as Hayes he is in Uma land .

              " you want to get a drink and talk about what is bothering you  ?" He asks and puts his phone in his back pocket.

How does he know something is bothering me ?
Am I that able to read ?
I do want a drink .
But I just want to be alone so I say .

            " Sam you are so sweet but I really need to be alone right now but thank you so much "

I walk into the kitchen and take a whole tray of Jell-O shots. I go into the closet and start my jello diet .

The taste is good . But I am reminded that the last time I had Jell-O shots I was at her bday party . Of course that ended up good and those memories make me feel warm and good . But this is different the lessons has stopped. The only game that might be going on is the one Hayes maybe playing . And Finn maybe playing too.

         " There you are " I hear and look up , I never even heard the door open.

      " Sam are you a stalker tonight " I say
I must be drunk other wise I would never be so rude to sweet Sam

" No but I am worried about you ." He says

         " Is that wine ?" I ask ignoring his statement

        " Yea" he says
I take it out of his hand and drink it .

        " Well I have not drunk out of it so you can have it " he tells me

           " Thank you " I sing
I get up and lean on him but I almost fall .

             " Where are you going?" He asks

          " Cups empty " I say and turn it upside down a small bit of liquid pours out .

          " Awe that is Alcohol Abuse " I whine

        " Ok that is it I am going to find Blakely for her to help ." He states

             He walks off and I find my way to the kitchen I grab some more Jell-O shots and fill up my cup and grab 2 more . I walk to go back to my spot the closet but then I see him and he is walking in the room. With her Uma birthday girl from last week or so ago . I can't breathe I want to cry I want to go home I want to scream . But also what I want is to let Hayes know that he could have been with me but he never texted back . He don't have feelings for Uma he had a chance to kiss her and he didn't I am the girl he kissed lots and lots of times . He needs to know he is throwing us away on a one night make out session . !!!!!

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