Chapter 18

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I walk by the school filed to take a glimpse of Hayes running . He loves that sport and he is really good . I stand by a fence and watch but he can't see me . He runs fast and I can't help but check him out . He sure does have runner legs. Just by his legs alone you can tell he runs or gets a lot of exercise. He stops and stretches . His gray tank raises up and my heart beat quickens . The thought crosses my mind that God might have spent a little more time on Hayes Palmer . I guess I will go say hi . As I start to walk out to the field , I see this dark hair girl walking onto the field , and Hayes sees her too he waves and walks toward her , I am just thankful that he did not see me . I can tell who the girl is now we actually had a few projects last year . Her name is Tia . They are talking . Maybe it just a friendly thing . But they are standing awful close . They hug , why would they hug .
I mean obviously they are hooking up . That jerk , he has the right to hook up with whoever he wants . But he made plans with me and it was made clear from the start that if he was with me he couldn't be with another girl.
I walk fast way from there thoughts in my head is not clear , I feel like I may throw up . I don't know why this effect me like this . It was never real . But he lied when he said he would not be with me and another girl.

My phone dings with a text from Hayes

(Hey change of plans Garrett is having a boys night at his place . So can't we do the movies tomorrow night , how does that sound ) he texts

He is lying . He is ditching me for Tia . I can't believe it . Well I am going to catch him , I am going to Garrett's little get togather .!!

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