Chapter 12

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" See you later ." I say to my mother as I am getting out of the car , she is dropping me off at this burger joint where my friends is at .

" Sweetie ."she says in a concern voice .

I turn around and face her with her eyes wheeling up she says
" I am so glad that you have got some friends and your dream is coming true but also now you are out and  you have a social life ."

I know where my mother is coming from , I didn't hardly go out or anything , she would always be worried about me . But I don't want to talk about that here not when I am about to see my friends .

" I am happy mom " I assure her

After a alright meal of cheese burger and fries we sit in the booth and talk and laugh . But the whole time I check my phone because before I left I sent Hayes a pic of the easy Mac I put in the freezer and forgot to get out so it froze solid . But he never replied . I wonder if he is just busy , if he just don't think it is funny or if he thinks I a dummy for sending it . Then I see him and few other boys but my heart skips a beat and my stomachs gets butterflies.Hayes walks in with his too cool for school attitude. None of them look our way I don't think they see us . But naturally I can't stop staring.

" So if you could make out with  any of those guys who would you make out with Abigail? " Blakely asks me

I start to say but I am embarrassed I don't know why .
" Hayes" Daisy says

" duh who wouldn't " Elaine says and runs her fingers threw her long silky black hair .

" Well she kind of already has " Dasiy answers back

" Daisy " I say loudly

And both Blakely and Elaine shout my name .

" Sorry it just came out but they won't think you are a hoe ." Daisy says

" How long ago ?" Blakely asks I see hurt in her eyes or worry.

" Just last night at the beach  the party . I had asked him to make out with her and then they was behind rocks ." Daisy says

I feel them all staring at me.

" Daisy let the girl speak ." Elaine says

But by this time I done notice Hayes playing a game he hits the machine he seems upset .

" Earth to Abigail I have seen that look before don't get caught up Hayes is not that type of guy . It is only one time ." Blakely says

If she only knew we been metting and making out a lot longer than one time but it don't feel right to tell them .

" I know that I want Finn remember." I say

" Then why you staring ." She says Rudely
" Because I never played pin ball before ." I lie
" Never "Daisy asks then she takes a drink of her milkshake

I shake my head no . I know it is wrong to lie but so much easier then explaining my whole situation.

" Come on lets play " Blakely says

and jumps up and the other 2 follow her
I get up but feel sick . What if my friends pick up a vibe between me and Hayes , I mean they know we made out but I am scared . But what would be worst is if he didn't even notice me or anything at all .
We walk up and these other boys grab my friends I guess they are like flirting with them . Hayes is lost in his game . I decided to talk to him . I mean I could walk where my friends are but they are already in conversations .
I walk beside him and ask

" You like this game ?"

He jumps and his hand moves and the ball falls and the machine makes noises .

" Little hottie" he says in a surprise voice .

I look
Round and see if anyone noticed . But my friends and the other boys are in deep conversation . If any of them heard that he called me a nick name they would surly have questions .
" I didn't expect to see you ." He says
" Well I am here " I joke or try too
He laughs even though it was not funny.
He looks behind him and then leans in closer and says

" I was going to text you to see if you wanted me to come by ."

I look at him and his dark eyes are pulling me in .
" I sent you a pic " I say and ignore his questions

His eyes go wide . And he appears to gulp
" like a nude pic ? " he asks

" What no I would never that is just not me " I reply

" just something that I thought was funny . " I add

" I had no battery I charged it right here " he says

and walks over to get it but he touches my shoulder as he passes . He could have easily walked around the other way I think he knows what he is doing to me .
As he looks at it he burst into laughter .

" She found the easy Mac the frozen easy Mac ." He says I Can barely hear him threw his laughter

" My mother was like how do you forget I mean you only put it in there for 2 mins ." I say

Hayes laughter grows and now all three of my friends and the boys they was talking to come over and ask us what we are laughing at .
" Oh just a Tic Tock " Hayes says
He came up with that quick he is most likely good at lieing .
" Still can't believe you have not played pin ball before ." Daisy says

" What you never played pin ball before come on I will show you ." Hayes says

We walk to the machine he puts in the money
" place your hands here and press the button ." He tells me

but I know cuz I lied about not playing pin ball before , but it's not like something I do a lot .

Then he walks behide me and has one of his hands on mine

" So just pull the thingy when ready ." He informs me

Then he blows on my neck , he has to know what he is doing .

" You never answered my question about tonight ." He whispers

I pull the thing and score a nice point I jump up and down and yell yes

Hayes smiles and gets out his phone , seconds later my phone dings . It is a text from him .

( I will take that as a yes , about tonight little hottie ) !!!!

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