Chapter 51

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I ate dinner with my family . I check my phone what feels like every second . I am waiting on Hayes to get in touch with me . I am worried because he could have gotten in trouble .
My phone dings I am relieved to see his name on my
Screen . Yes I changed it from the best kisser which is what Hayes put his number in as on my phone .

( Sorry we can't hook up tonight the principal made me stay . It's The only way not to have Saturday detention)
Oh no he is in trouble and I can't see him tonight .

( I hate that . I can confess to if you want )
I know he will not let me but I think I should offer .

( Are you crazy ? No absolutely not )

( We can hook up tomorrow night , I will get out of here about 7 but my parents told me to come straight home I am just lucky they are letting me out tomorrow)

( Ok see you tomorrow and sorry )

After our texts I talk on the phone to Blakely while straighten up my room a bit . Then I get into the tub . Then Finn texts and we text for a little while . I put on Netflix and watch some new show I heard about I feel myself getting tiered and I start to drift off when a ding comes to my phone from Hayes

( come to your window)
What is he talking about ?
But I get up , but he is right there and now I am not tired at all .

" I thought you couldn't come by " I say and hope he don't notice how excited I am .

" I told my parents I be there a hour later so we have well a little less than a hour ." He says

" Well Abigail can I come in ?" He asks

" I didn't realize you was a vampire." I answer

He busts into laughter

I pull him in by his shirt . He looks down at me he seems surprised . I put arms around his neck and step on my tippy toes and kiss him .

His hands is on my waist , God I love his touch . He pulls back , he seems frustrated . He walks over to my dresser .

" What is wrong Hayes . Are you mad because you got in trouble and I didn't . I feel bad over that ."

" No Abigail " he answers sternly

" I am more concerned that no matter what I can not be mad at you ." He tells me

Is he for real ?
Is he joking?
He has to be joking.

" You was mad at me the other night over Blakely." I say

" Really I forgave you the second you stood next to me ." He says

I am taken back by his words .
Is he lying !
It is actually sweet .

" I don't be mad at you just the situation."

He says and runs his fingers threw his hair .

I walk over to him and kiss him . I hold onto his shoulders . I hear him moan and that makes me happy . He pulls back that don't make me happy . What is with him tonight.

He moves his hands down my arms , I don't know why but I find it so romantic.

" Your hair is wet "he says and brushes back a piece of my hair

" And you got tiny shorts on " he adds and walks away
Now he is pacing back and forth , he looks like a crazy person . I cross my arms in front of
Me and look at him for a second.

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