Chapter 41

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The teacher is going on and on about something I am not sure of . If this was last year  I would know exactly and be thinking of only that . Instead I am thinking only about Hayes Palmer. His eyes his touch things he has said to me any and all things Hayes Palmer.

Blakely had to get a tooth  pulled so I had expected for her to grill me even more over the whole Hayes thing .
At lunch me and Daisy is walking together. Garrett stands up and yells to us both . Daisy walks quicker , I walk but I barley move . I don't know if they want us to eat with them . I don't know how to act around everyone with Hayes right there . He looks up and he looks handsome and just perfect. I notice that Elaine is already sitting with them she is sitting right between her boyfriend Ian's legs . I don't know how they are eating but they are .
Daisy sits next to Robert and I walk up I don't know where to go .

" Come sit next to me " Garrett says

"There is plenty room right here " Hayes says and points to the empty seat across from him .

I look back and forth between the 2 boys .

" She could just sit here " Garrett says and points beside him .

" She could but she is right here and her tray is obviously heavy , she walked over here slower than. A snail . " Hayes says

Such a mean comment . Why is Hayes a acting like that .
Does he want to hurt my feelings .
Well he has accomplished that .

I sit down where Hayes told me to I don't know why , I should have went where Garrett said just because of Hayes rude remarks , but I didn't .

I eat some of my food . I am nervous I feel like someone is watching me when I look up no one is . I look at Hayes who is looking at his food . I feel like he is ignoring me or something.

          " I can not wait for woods night " Ian says as he is rubbing Elaine's arm
Seems like they are getting along pretty good .

              " I am so excited for it ." Daisy chimes in
I have no ideal what they are talking about so I ask.

                  " What is woods night ?"

I hear Hayes chuckle but he don't look up .

    " Abigail it is so much fun "Elaine says and then kisses Ian

          " You team up and do these tasks  like a competition. And who ever finish the tasks wins . Oh and your in the woods .Garrett says

                " You should come ." He adds

               " I guess " I reply

            " Yes you will love it we are all going . We are all going but I hate Blakely will be missing it ." Daisy says

               " When is it ?" I ask

            " Tonight " Garrett answers me

I look at Hayes who looks up and has a mad look on his face . He looks down quickly .

What is wrong with him today.
If he was a girl I would swear he was on his period.

                       " I will go ." I say

Hayes looks up and looks even madder.

                  " You know for new comers it bes hard and they say scary ." Hayes says

                 " What are you getting at Hayes " I say rudely

                  " That you might not want to go ." He answer

              " It won't be that hard Abigail because you have will have a boy to be your team hopefully you and I " Garret tells me

I am surprised by what Garret said. I look over at Hayes who fist is in a a ball and he looks even Madder than before what is going on with this boy .

                      " But Garret you are forgetting the amount of people we have an even amount with out her ." Hayes says

That jerk don't want me to go to woods Night
But why
Maybe where he can hook up with some girl .  But as long as we are not than he Can hook up with whoever .

              " Blakely can't come cuz of her tooth so Abigail Can take her place . " Elaine says

           " Then it is settled Sweetheart will have her 1 st woods night ." Garrett says with a smile

When it is time to go back to class . I take my trash and put my tray up . Then feel a hand on my waist .

                " So the woods for lesson tonight ." Hayes whispers in my ear

His words do something to me . His breath feels amazing . My whole body's temperature rises.

He walks away , and I get angry . He was rude to me the whole lunch , then he wants to be playful . I am just glad that Blakely was not here to see him act like a jerk to me .
I walk fast to catch up with him . I pull him by his arm and actually turn him around . I must be really mad because I know he is a lot stronger than me .

            " What is your problem?" I ask

             " Wow little hottie you are strong ." He states

              " You were being a ass " I say loudly
I look around and really don't see anyone looking at us which is a surprise.

            " That is how I am around my friends "he claims
What does that even mean .

               " Well I don't like you like that ." I say
He looks hurt but he don't say nothing.

               " I am going the woods night but you can hook up with whatever girl you want just because I am there don't mean you can't hook up with someone else as long as we don't that night . So I am not messing up your game ." I say and walk away

He walks up fast really fast to me .
               " just who is it you think I want to hook up with ?" He asks

  I really don't know  . Elaine has a boyfriend, Daisy is basically with Robert . I don't know who else will be there .
                   " Let me tell you , I will hook up with exactly who I want to hook up with tonight. " he tells me and then storms off. !!!!!

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