Chapter 61

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                       Hayes POV

I set my alarm  hour earlier than usual . I cleaned up my room and took the trash and cleaned  up the garage that my mother and father been asking me to . I am trying to get on there good side . My mother is going to try to ground me , but I can't allow that after tonight Finn will be back and Abigail will be all his . The thought alone makes me want to get sick . I have done decide to tell her tonight to really tell her how I feel I don't know if it will make a difference but I got nothing to lose . But if my mom grounds me then I can't . As I walking back up stairs I hear my mother scream my name then she says

          " Thanks for doing things I asked you to do for so long . "

           " Better late than never " I reply

          " You are not off the hook ." She says

         " I don't want to be but can I be punished the next day ." I beg

          " Hayes Joseph no you can not I knew you was trying to get out of this . " she yells

        " Please Mom you can ground me for 2 weeks just start it next week."  I beg

              " No we start today ." She says

        " Mom please you don't understand." I plead

          " Then Enlighten me " she answers

I know I have to be truthful if I even have a chance .

        " I am sorry , I should have called you at some point and it was late but time really did get away from me ." I say and let a breathe out

I sit in the stairs and see concern on my mother face . I may actually have a chance of getting out of it .

                        " I spent the day basically trying to make this girl fall in love with me . And last night it was like time just stood still ." I explain

          " Wait I know you go in lots of dates but I never heard you talk like this and I never seen you with a girl more than once ." She says

        " Because mom I never felt like this ." I admit

         " But how can missing tonight do anything ? " she asks

          " Because tomorrow her soon to be boyfriend comes back and I was going to tell her how I feel and hope she feels the same ." I say and feel embarrassed

           " Ok but you will be punished" she says

I leap for joy inside . I hug my sweet mom and then get ready for the day .

As I wait for Abigail to walk out I think about what she will be wearing. . I wonder if it will be shorts or a dress .

When I see her I am not disappointed. She has on blue skirt and a tan top and sweater over it . As she walks toward me I think there is my dream girl .

I want everything to be perfect since it is our last night but it all feels off . Then as I turn off the engine she slides right over . I give her a small smile and I can tell she may sense that I am sad . I don't want her to feel bad , I don't want to feel bad . I know I have to tell her or I will regret it for the rest of my life . She is so close to me I know she is about to ask if I am ok and I don't want to lie to her so . I pull her closer and kiss her . I can tell her at the party . I mean if I tell her now and she don't feel the same the make out time will stop . But  if I wait I can find out how she feels at the party and still have our make out time now . Our tongues are entangled . Going slowly then fast some how they keep the pace with each other . I can't help but think I am going to miss this so much . It is hurting to know I have to give it up . Maybe it was a bad ideal to do this but I don't regret
it at all . But I know it is going to be hard and I will probably be upset for a long time . She pulls back

And for that second that she does I miss her lips on mine . My hands is on her waist and as the kiss deepens I squeeze her waist  . She pulls back again this time she don't come back for a kiss instead she says
             " You think we should set a timer where we won't miss the party ."
I laugh I know she means about last night .

            " Yea" I answers her.
I take my phone and set the alarm for a hour later .

She smiles . This whole night feels bitter sweet .

         " Hey is there anything you want to learn it is the last lesson ." I say

         " I don't know " she replies

           " I think you Learned it all ." I say

She smiles and puts her hands on my shoulders and kisses me and for the next hour  , our bodies is entangled. Our lips never leave each other and I am right where I want to be . !!!!!!!!!

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