Chapter 31

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I am fuming , I am so mad . I mean really he is going to kiss that girl in front of everyone. And I thought he wanted to talk to me about a lesson when in reality he wanted to talk to me about getting out of a lesson . I go to the 3 rd stall of the bathroom like he said there is a purse cooler filled with baby bottles of wine and Jell-O shots and there is a few cups and ziplock bags of ice . I get a cup fill it with ice then a baby bottle which one little bottle fills a whole cup . That taste is bitter but I drink it anyway . Just the fact that Hayes wants to kiss that Uma girl gets to me . It was nice of him to give me a heads up , but he is doing it in front of the whole party . Thank God people don't know we been doing what we been doing . It would be even more embarrassing. I finished the cup and reach in the bag for another bottle but my hands find a jelllo shot . So I decide to try it . They are so good I cannot taste any liquor. So I do another and another by my 5 th one I realize maybe I shouldn't have any more and leave some for Blakely. I walk out and look at the mirror and look hot but I still can tell I am drunk ,but who cares . Now I want to see this magical kiss . In front of the whole party how cute and romantic .
I walk around for a few mins until I see Daisy and Elaine standing so I walk over to them.

" Has the kiss thing happened " I slur

" What kiss" Elaine asks

I kind of ignore her because I spot Hayes . He is just hanging with his friends . He looks cool and not upset or worried or nothing .

" Are you drunk ?" Daisy asks and takes the drink out of my hand and takes a sip

" oh you are " she says loud her voice sounds high pitch

Which makes me giggle .

" How Abigail?" Elaine asks

" some guy got it for me and Blakely " I tell them

" Where"

" What guy"

They both say at the same time .

" Hayes Palmer and in the 3 rd stall of the bathroom . " I admit

" Elaine stay with druckie I will go get us stuff and you have had enough ." Daisy demands

" I have Jell-O shots too " I say and pull one out of my purse. As I do something drops .

" ohh yay " Elaine gasped and takes the Jell-O shot
Elaine seems to be enjoying the Jell-O shot because I don't think she notices when Hayes walks over and picks up the necklace locket thing .
I guess that is what fell out of my purse .

" Here you dropped this " Hayes says and tries to hand it to me .

" Why don't you give it to Uma " I say and walk away

I just needed to get away from him . I need a place to hide . I see a old time photo booth so I go in there .
Daisy took my drink so I must be a little drunk .
But the look on Hayes face when I told him to give the locket to Uma ,I don't know he kind of looked sad .
My thoughts go back to him telling me . It's just a kiss . See kissing don't mean nothing to boys like Hayes. That is right kissing don't mean nothing to him and she don't either . Somehow that boosted my confidence and walk out of the photo booth .

" Clear the floor " the dj says

I stand with Daisy and Elaine .
On the floor is the dj and This girl

" Happy Birthday Uma" the dj screams

So the girl is Uma and the kiss is about to happen.
Uma is thin she has brown straight hair . I can't say she is pretty but I can't say she is ugly . I wish I could but I cant .
" So Uma has a b day wish and that is to get a kiss from Hunk her words not mine Hayes Palmer

" the dj says and the crowd all screams

" How did you know it was going to be a kiss?" Elaine asks and takes a drink of her drink

" I heard it " I answer her

I feel sick again . I am staring at the floor . I am hoping that Hayes will not walk out there , and it feels like my heart drops when I see him walk out there.

Everyone one is cheering. And I feel a tear escape my eye I quickly wipe hoping no one seen . The Dj hands a microphone to Hayes and he says

" Happy Birthday Uma"

She giggles and does a little jump thing .
The dj and the crowd cheer

" kiss"
My heart is beating fast he is going to do it otherwise he wouldn't be out there.
They both lean in toward each other . I don't want to look but I can't stop looking.
Then all of a sudden a young man is out on the floor and he takes the dj's microphone.

" Wait" he screams causing Uma to jump

" Victor Good" Hayes says into the microphone

Victor Good graduated last year .
He is now a college football player . He also has a Reality show . He has became quite the celebrity. He is in all the tabloids. He was poplar back when he was in high school but now everyone loves him and they all have stories I am sure some ain't true but people still tell their stories. Victor looks even better now I almost didn't recognize him.

" I don't mean to interrupt but I am in town and I heard about this hot girls party " he says

Uma is standing there with her mouth open .

" I see your b day wish was to get a kiss from Hayes but If it is ok with both of you , maybe I could kiss you . I mean Hayes you can kiss any time I am only in town every once in a while . " he says

Uma looks speechless.
Hayes says
" Uma maybe some other time " and hands the dj the microphone and walks off the floor.

What just happened?
Who could have seen that coming?
I wonder if Hayes is a a little embarrassed.
Uma didn't exactly turn him down.
I feel sad for him , but he still went out there he still was going to do it .

All my friends is skating , I am tired of playing games so I decide to walk around . My buzz is like gone .
I hear voices and I am pretty sure one is Hayes so I walk closer .

" Thanks man I owe you ."Hayes says

I peek around the Conner and see he is talking to Victor .

" No problem, how lucky was it that we ran into each other at the gas station yesterday." Victor says

" Yea Thank God" Hayes replied

" I have to ask why did you not want to kiss that girl she is pretty ." Victor claims

" Yea she is but I have This thing with this other girl and I just couldn't see any other way ." Hayes says

" Well it must be serious for Hayes Palmer to not kiss another girl." Victor says

The words kind of flicker something inside of me . I back away but when I do I knock  over a whole table with cups on it . I run out of there hoping that Hayes didn't see me . I need to hide . So I go to the photo booth.
Once I am sitting I calm down. He didn't see me because he would have yelled to me .
I still can't believe he went threw that trouble to get Victor to take his place . All over a kiss which I think means nothing to Hayes .
What is Victor is right serious for Hayes not to kiss another girl and he has only been kissing me for like 2 weeks .

I am startled by the certain opening . And I see Hayes standing there looking hot as ever .

" Hayes what are you doing ?"I ask

" I don't want the night off." He answers

And steps into the photo booth and kisses me .
It is a strong kiss . Like he is kissing with all of his might . I am sitting and he is standing but leaning . I know it has to be uncomfortable . I pull him where he is on top of me .

" I don't want to hurt you baby" he says

I can't answer him I am breathless.
He moves where he is sitting next to me . He puts his hand on my thigh I have on short shorts . I lean in and kiss him . I get on his lap with one leg on one side and the other on the other. And we make out and it's like time don't exist . !!!!

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