Without You, I'm Nothing

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Taehyung hums happily as he works around their studio. It's after hours and the doors are locked. He just came back from the store and began to prepare for the biggest moment of his life. He digs out white string lights and hangs them everywhere he can possibly put them. The whole room was illuminated in a white light.

He took a roll of sheer chiffon and wrapped it around the lights and let it hang from the studio lights. The scene was coming together and was beginning to look romantic. He ran around, grabbing small tables and added them in the space where they take pictures of people. The backdrop was all white and, on the tables, he sat several bouquets of flowers.

The flowers didn't really keep a color scheme, they were all the colors of the rainbow. He set up the scene perfectly. Running towards the camera that's on a tall tripod at the center of the backdrop, he looks through the lens and judges the angle of the camera. With a small adjustment, the camera is set to record the scene as it will go down.

He runs towards the projector light and pulls it in front of the backdrop as well now. He turns it on and sets the color to a soft lavender hue, it turned the white backdrop purple and the lights shined lovely against the violet glow.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and pulls out his phone. He calls the woman of his dreams. "Hi baby, can you come to the studio? I'm having trouble editing a picture." He loves the chiming sound of her giggle, and she agrees. Rhea told him she would leave immediately.

He begins to pace and wrings his hands. He pulls out the piece of paper where he wrote down his speech. His heart was racing as he ran his eyes over the words he scribbled down.

He bit his lip anxiously as he re-read it several times. Trying to commit it to memory.

The sound of the front doors being unlocked sends his heart straight into a panic. Rhea was here, she was here. He quickly straightens his clothes and hair before running over to her. "Hi Tae." She tells him sweetly, the sweetest smile on her face. His heart beats harder.

"Hi." He says softly back, grabbing her hand, he pulls her towards the scene he set up. Once they round the corner, Rhea's sharp inhale is heard. The scene was breathtaking. As Rhea's eyes take in every aspect of Taehyung's hard work, Tae unlocks his phone and hits the play button on his phone. Soon beautiful, romantic piano music is flowing through a speaker nearby.

Taehyung grabs both of Rhea's hands and pulls her in the center of the backdrop. "T-Tae?" She stutters, visibly nervous. Taehyung smiles at her sweetly, trying to reassure her without words.

Staring into her eyes that sparkle with the lights, Taehyung's breath he just took was stolen from him. Rhea had a habit of doing that to him.

Rhea seems to be having trouble breathing as she stares back into Tae's eyes.

"Rhea." Taehyung begins, his voice shaky at first.

"When I met you, I was a broken shell of a human. I had nothing to look forward to. I lived my life in autopilot, just living through each day, in and out. My whole life was a scheme of black and white. Then like a flash of bright light, a beautiful rainbow exploded and took over my heart. Finally, my eyes could see the color in the world. Every fascinating color combination possible, the world was vibrant again. A life without you is a world without color. It's monochromatic and cold. *

You've shown me so much love and passion. Even your gaze is colorful. Everything about you is beautiful like a rainbow. I fell in love with the life that would dance in your eyes. I fell in love with how your laugh rings like a bell. I fell in love with how you look at me. You don't see a monster, you don't see a weirdo, you don't call me alien."

Rhea's eyes brim with tears as she listens to the deep voice of her soulmate.

"Will you marry me Rhea? I want you to be my wife. I want to wake up to you every morning for the rest of whatever years I have left."

Rhea's tears spill over, and she nods her head quickly. "Yes, Tae, always yes!" She jumps onto him and presses her lips hard against his. He wraps his arms around her, tightly.

Taehyung would never get over how easily his whole world would fit into his arms.

They kiss passionately, lips moving in synchronization. Taehyung starts laughing, breaking the kiss. He forgot the ring.

He kneels down on one knee and pulls the box from inside his jacket pocket. He opens it for his future wife. Rhea gasps when she sees the beautiful sparkling white stone.

Taking the ring out, he slides it on her left finger and kisses the top of her hand.

"I love you so much Kim Taehyung." Rhea says, her red cheeks stained with trails of tears. "I love you more, Mrs. Kim" He presses his lips to hers once more.

Taehyung pulls out the remote from his pocket and presses a button. Rhea watches him curiously. "I recorded the whole thing."

Rhea giggles and holds her face embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you looked breathtaking the entire time." Rhea smiles and kisses his soft lips again. "So did you." She runs her fingers through his red hair. Pushing it away from his beautiful face.

"We've got a wedding to plan!" Rhea screams and jumps around; Taehyung hugs her tightly. "Yes, we do. Let's make sure it's the most colorful wedding anyone's ever seen."

Rhea nods and crashes her lips to his. Closing her eyes, focusing on the racing of her heartbeat. She had found her soulmate, in a world with billions of people, she found hers.

She found Taehyung.

"Another name for love is the color blue.

Sometimes it's lively and sometimes it's cold."


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*Last line is from 'Your Eyes Tell.'


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I loved writing it!

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