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"Go to bed with her Taehyung, she'll need the company. I'm going to stay up and figure something out." Taehyung nods and lets a yawn slip. He was pretty tired himself. "You're sure?" Namjoon nods. Taehyung gives him a sleepy smile. "Night Namjoon." "Night Tae."

Quietly cracking her bedroom door open, Taehyung walks inside and shuts the door back. He takes off his jeans and crawls into bed with Rhea. He wraps his arms around her body and pulls her close. Rhea half-way wakes up. "Tae?" She calls to him softly and he answers in a whisper. "I'm here baby." She pulls his arm closer and holds it against her chest. He smiles to himself in the dark.

Kissing the back of her head, he inhales the sweet scent of her shampoo. Taehyung was head over heels in love with Rhea. He couldn't figure out how she tore down his walls so effortlessly. It's like she had the only key in the world to opening the door straight to his heart. He fought her in the beginning, but she still found a way.

Taehyung was terrified of love, it never seemed like a plausible option to him. Every time he would develop a crush on a girl, he would tell her. She'd be appalled and he couldn't figure out why. Sure, he wasn't the most normal guy, but he still had a heart. A heart that desperately wanted to love.

Most of his relationships were short-lived. That includes friends. The only one who has stuck around the longest has been Jimin. Taehyung would always put his love for photography first before anything. And his girlfriends and friends wouldn't like that about him. They wanted to be his top priority and when they weren't, they would leave.

But Rhea didn't. No, she shared his affinity for photography, and it made their relationship blossom. They enjoyed the activity together and got lost for hours within it. But not only was Rhea an amazing photographer, she was kind and caring. She's the type of person who would give you the shirt off her back. Taehyung loved every single thing about her and from what she said, she loved him just the same.

Taehyung could hardly believe it. Someone like Rhea loved him and only him it seemed. As he closed his eyes finally, he could faintly hear wedding bells. He could picture them growing old together and having children. Tae wanted his children to have her lips and eyes. He didn't want to spend another second away from her. It would be too much to bear.

Rhea woke up to loving arms around her and she smiled to herself

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Rhea woke up to loving arms around her and she smiled to herself. Waking up to Taehyung would always be amazing. She turned around slowly and looked at his sleeping face. He was incredibly handsome; she could never get over it. How someone as beautiful as him could be so broken and hurt by so many people. He didn't deserve any hate, he needed love, endless love.

Something she would be willing to give him, as long as he would let her.

With a sweet kiss to his cheek, Rhea sneaks out of bed. Rhea opens the door and sees Namjoon hunched over his laptop. His hair is disheveled, and his right leg is bouncing up and down at lightning speed.

"Joonie?" She called to him, and he looked over at her, his eyes were red. "Rhea! I'm so glad you're up!" He was shouting and Rhea couldn't figure out why. He rubbed his face roughly and twitched his leg some more. "Are you okay?" Rhea asked him seriously. He shook his head at lightning speed.

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