Close Call

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"Good afternoon, Ms. Stone." Mr. Jung greeted Rhea as he strolled into the room. "Hello Mr. Jung." Rhea said back and bowed. "Please, call me Hoseok." He said sweetly. Rhea nodded and took in the information. "How are you, Hoseok?" Rhea asked him and he sat on her desk again. Rhea's eyes went from the desk back to his face. She didn't like that he did that.

Jimin grabbed Taehyung's shirt and pulled him close. "I've got to get to dance practice, I can't wait around. I'll see you later." Taehyung nodded and Jimin walked off towards the gymnasium.

"I'm just fine Ms. Stone, but there is a problem." Rhea swallowed. Her week flashed in her memory. She tried to remember if she did anything wrong. Maybe she shouldn't have let the class leave early.

"I'm sorry sir, we were done with the schedule and there wasn't enough time left to start a new lesson." Rhea tried to defend herself and Mr. Jung just laughed lightly. "That's not the problem. The problem is that you're too pretty for me to concentrate sometimes." Mr. Jung shamelessly said. Rhea just stared at him with a blank facial expression.

Rhea just blinked. "I-I don't..." She stuttered; he had caught her off guard. First, she thought she was in trouble but now he was hitting on her.

"It's not really a problem if you agree to go on a date with me." Mr. Jung said, hopping off Rhea's desk and walking over to her. Rhea just continued to blink, not sure how to handle this situation. She took a few steps back when he stepped forward.

"I don't think that's appropriate, sir." Rhea said respectfully. She didn't want to be rude to her boss but this whole situation felt sketchy to her. She felt uncomfortable and she didn't like that. Hoseok grabbed Rhea's chin and stepped inside her personal space. "We don't have to tell anyone." He whispered, leaning in too closely for Rhea's preference.

Taehyung grabbed his camera from his bag and stepped away from the wall. He stood in the doorway and snapped a few pictures of Mr. Jung crossing the line with one of his employees. Hoseok looked over at the direction of the sound and saw Taehyung.

"I don't think the Board will like this photo if I show them." Taehyung yelled from the doorway. Mr. Jung dropped his hand from Rhea and turned towards Taehyung. "Kid, you don't want to threaten me, I can have you expelled."

Taehyung took several steps forward, not backing down. "Like I give a damn." He spat out and Mr. Jung was surprised at his words. Mr. Jung straightened his suit jacket and bowed slightly to Rhea. "I'll be leaving now good day." Rhea just watched him, shocked at the change of his demeanor. Once Mr. Jung was gone, Taehyung shut the door and stepped closer to Rhea.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly, avoiding her eyes. Rhea stared at Taehyung and lifted her hands to push her hair behind her ears. Her hands were trembling, and Taehyung noticed that. "Y-Yes, I'm fine." Rhea said softly.

"Sit down, it'll help with your nerves." Taehyung advised Rhea and she listened, sitting down slowly into her desk chair. "When I passed Mr. Jung coming into your classroom, I guessed what he was after. He has a reputation of being sleazy." Taehyung explained and Rhea closed her eyes as she listened.

She had never heard Taehyung talk so much. Normally he would just say a sentence or two a day. "I wish someone had warned me." Rhea said and then sighed, finally calming down. Taehyung crossed his arms and leaned back on one foot. "That's because people suck." Rhea studied him for a moment.

"Thank you for saving me. I don't know where that might have gone if someone didn't show up." Taehyung averted his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't seem to do well with appreciation. "Well, I-I was just doing the right thing." Taehyung stammered. Rhea examined his face, he barely kept eye contact more than a few seconds. He had a type of complex; Rhea didn't know which kind just yet. But it seemed as if he had no confidence at all. Which was confusing because looks wise, Taehyung was breathtaking and talent wise, he was extraordinary.

"I really liked your new photo today. I like that side of your photography better. I'm assuming you chose a less suspicious photo so that I wouldn't bug you anymore." Rhea told Taehyung with a slight smile on her face. Taehyung met her eyes and immediately diverted them. "No, I just liked that one." He defended himself but Rhea laughed quietly.

She was getting to know him slowly. Over the past month she watched him, learned a few of his habits and a few things about him. Deep down he seemed nice, but for some reason came off as cruel and cold.

"You're an extremely talented photographer. You don't even need this class." Rhea complimented Taehyung and he shifted his weight and looked all around the room. He was getting uncomfortable with the attention. "I know some companies looking for photographers. If you ever would like a job, let me know. I would gladly recommend you."

Taehyung's eyes locked onto Rhea's suddenly. It almost took her breath away. He had the tiniest smile on his lips. "I might take you up on that." He said, smirking one side of his lips. 

**Just an FYI, I don't like making Hobi the bad guy

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**Just an FYI, I don't like making Hobi the bad guy.

But there needed to be one. Sorry Hobi.**

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