No Thanks

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Rhea stared out of her balcony window that overlooked the city. She was at a loss. The past month had been a great success for her. All of her students looked up to her and were impressed with her, all but one. The same one she desperately wanted to reach.

She never had so much trouble winning someone over before. Rhea had a beautiful face and a heart of gold. She could win anyone over within a single day. But this student, Kim Taehyung, the harder she tried to reach him the farther he stepped away.

Namjoon stood behind Rhea and massaged her shoulders, he could see she was tense. "What's wrong Rhea? You look depressed." Rhea sighed and her shoulders slumped. Namjoon bent down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on her head.

"It's one of my students. I don't know what to do with him. I can't connect with him. He won't let me in. He's the most talented student in all of my classes, his photos are phenomenal but there's such a deep sadness in each photo. I've tried to get him to open up to me, but he refuses. The harder I try, the more he pushes me back."

Coming around to sit beside her, Namjoon studied her face. Rhea looked puzzled and in a daze. He could tell she's been thinking about this non-stop. "So, what if one student doesn't like you. Not everyone will like you. You should focus on the rest of the class and not that one student." Rhea nodded at his words. She knew this, but it didn't change how she felt.

"I know that Namjoon, but..." Namjoon stops her by raising his hand. "Rhea, it isn't your duty to fix every broken human being out there in the world. That would be impossible. Just try to forget about it." Rhea sighed again. She knew he was right. But in her mind, she just needed to try harder. Maybe one day she could break down his iron-clad walls.

"I gotta get to the studio. Please try to stop obsessing." Namjoon kisses the top of Rhea's head and leaves the apartment. Rhea sat there for a moment, racking her brain over and over. She took out her phone and typed 'Kim Taehyung' in the search bar.

She was trying to see if he had any social media accounts. Maybe she could learn more about him from a platform he used often. But to her dismay, she noticed nothing anywhere. That struck her as extremely odd. Usually, a person would have an account somewhere, but he seemed to have none. She rubbed her eyes with her fingers. What should she do now?

 What should she do now?

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"Do you think Ms. Stone has a boyfriend?" Jimin whispered to Taehyung as Rhea stood at the front of the class teaching. Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know Jiminie." He whispered back to him; his deep voice still carried even though he was trying to muffle it.

Taehyung watched the slideshow intently. Rhea was going over the history for the first camera and he found that extremely interesting. His camera was his world, but he chuckled to himself when he saw the first camera that was invented in 1816. It was humongous. There would be no way to carry that thing around.

"Should I ask her out?" Taehyung looked at Jimin with annoyance on his face. His top lip curling upward. "I don't know Jimin!" He yelled a little louder and Rhea turned around to look at the two boys. Taehyung thought for sure they were about to get yelled at, but Rhea just smiled at them and went on with her teaching.

"Isn't it crazy to think that with just a couple mirrors, some lights and silver chloride an image could be transferred to paper?" Rhea smiled widely as she spoke, you could tell she was really enthusiastic about everything concerning Photography.

"That all for today guys! Have a great rest of your day." She smiled brightly and everyone began to pour out of the classroom. Jimin and Taehyung hung back as usual. Jimin approached Rhea's desk and sat his butt on the edge of it. Taehyung rolled his eyes, knowing what was coming. He walked outside and leaned up against the wall and would wait until he was done.

"Ms. Stone, I have a question." Jimin said loudly to get her attention. Rhea turned around and smiled. "Yes Jimin?" Jimin flashed his perfect smile in the form of a smirk and turned on his charm. "Are professors allowed to date students?" Rhea tilted her head at him, then shook it. "No."

Standing up, Jimin stepped towards Rhea, charm at full capacity. "What if I dropped out of your class?" He winked at Rhea, and she just stood there. Then she began to laugh slightly. Jimin's mouth hung open a little bit, he's never been laughed at before.

"Are you asking me out, Park Jimin?" Rhea asked him, wanting to clarify. Jimin shook his head, patiently waiting for her answer. "No thanks." Jimin's eyebrows shot up. "N-No?" Jimin stuttered and blinked. No one ever turned him down. He wasn't used to this at all.

"Nothing personal, you're just not my type." Jimin coughed at the words. Those words hurt his pride. They stung. He was everyone's type, or so he thought. "Okay." Jimin said flatly, his head hanging slightly and then he practically sprinted out of the classroom.

Taehyung grabbed his arm and stopped him. "She turned you down?" He whispered to Jimin and Jimin looked as shocked as Taehyung did. "Yeah! Can you believe that? I'm not her type she said! I'm everyone's type!" Taehyung couldn't help but laugh. Jimin's pride was never bruised like this, it was neat to see.

Jimin folded his arms in disappointment, a small pout across his full lips. "That's actually...really funny." Taehyung said and busted out laughing. His beautiful smile on full display. Rhea stuck her head out of the classroom doorway to see what the ruckus was.

She hid and peeked over at the boys

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She hid and peeked over at the boys. Her eyes went wide as she saw Taehyung's smile. His real smile. It was absolutely beautiful, he was beautiful. He looked so happy at that moment; she felt her heart do cartwheels.

"No, it's not man!" Jimin huffed and shoved at Taehyung's shoulder, and he grinned more. He had a box smile, it showed almost all of his perfect white teeth. It was mesmerizing. They turned and started walking towards the classroom door and Rhea jerked her head back inside and hid against the wall.

"Girls don't turn me down!" Jimin was still complaining, and it made Taehyung just laugh more. "Maybe she's not as dumb as I thought she was." Taehyung said and Rhea smiled slightly at that comment. It would have been an insult from anyone else, but that meant maybe he would be more willing to open up to her. Rhea smiled at the possibility. 

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