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Namjoon walks with purpose towards a coffee shop. He spots Taehyung's red hair through the shop window and walks inside. "Hey Tae." He greets him and sits down beside his new friend. Taehyung looks up to him and gives him a soft smile.

"Hey Namjoon, thanks for meeting me." He slides a coffee towards Namjoon, and he gratefully accepts, his dimples showing as he grins. "Thanks!" He takes a sip of the warm liquid and looks at Rhea's boyfriend. "So, what's this about?"

Taehyung inhales sharply and sits straight in his seat. "I-I...wanted to ask you something." Namjoon raises his eyebrow at Taehyung. He hasn't acted this nervous for a while. Lately, Taehyung radiated charisma and confidence. He truly was a changed man.

"What is it Tae?" He asks him gently as he watches Taehyung's hands tremble as he reaches in his jacket pocket. He pulls out a black box. Namjoon swallows. Without making eye contact, Taehyung shoves the box towards him and Namjoon swallows heavy again. He picks it up and looks inside.

A beautiful engagement ring shines brightly in the morning sun. "I want to ask your permission to propose to Rhea. Her parents don't live near here and she isn't very close to them. But you're like her older brother so I wanted to ask you if it would be okay."

Namjoon swallows again, fighting back the urge to cry. This boy was full of surprises. Namjoon's glazed over eyes finally meet Taehyung's and he speaks. "I love her, Namjoon. I've never loved anything or anyone more in my life. I want her to be with me until my last breath. I only fall more and more in love with her every day."

Sniffing, Namjoon closes the box gently and hands it back to Taehyung. "Rhea is more precious to me than you can imagine. That being said, I've protected her the majority of her life. I've watched her grow before my eyes. She grew into a beautiful, young woman who has a heart of gold. Without even a solitary doubt in any corner of my mind do I think you two don't deserve each other. You have my blessing, completely."

Taehyung's smile spreads across his face and he feels thousands of pounds lifting from his chest. "Thank you Namjoon. I'll treat her like the priceless heirloom she is. I'll never live a day without loving her, I assure you." Namjoon smacks him lightly on the back. "I know that."

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Taehyung stands outside of his old house. He inhales before knocking on the door. His mom opens the door shortly after and she beams brightly at her handsome son. She pulls him inside by his arm and hugs him around the waist.

"Hi Taebear! What brings you here?" She smiles brightly and he smiles in return. "I just wanted to see how you're doing mom." He answers her and runs his gaze along the house, from room to room. It smelled quite nice and clean inside. Everything was neatly placed where it belongs.

"I'm doing great! I haven't felt this great in years." His mom confesses and hugs her son again. "I'm glad to hear that mom." Taehyung tells her and truly means it.

She kept her word from that day in the hospital. The near-death experience scared her straight. She went home that day and dumped all the alcohol inside her house out. She never touched a drop of it since. She was a changed woman.

Her eyes glistened again, there was a healthy glow on her skin, happiness danced in her eyes as she looked at her son. Her world.

"I'm going to propose to Rhea, mom." Taehyung finally says. She screams and throws her arms around him tightly. "Taehyungie!! I'm so happy to hear that! Rhea is an amazing woman." Tae nods and smiles. "Yes, she is."

"I don't know how to do it though, or what to say." Taehyung flops down in a kitchen chair and lets his chin fall into his palm. His mom sits beside him and takes his free hand. "Say what's in your heart. Tell her how you truly feel. Bear your soul to her and she will answer favorably, I'm sure." Taehyung nods as he takes the advice.

"As for how, think of something you both love. Involve your similar tastes. Just think about her as you prepare. I'm sure it'll be great, no matter what."

Taehyung stares off into space, trying to visualize a plan. He snaps his fingers and grins. "I've got it! Thanks mom!" He kisses her forehead and runs out of the house. He had prep work to do. 


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