Interview With a Photographer

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"You have to wear something nice Tae." Jimin was whining at Taehyung's outfit. "You can't just slap on a baggy shirt and expect them to be impressed." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "Well I don't have any of my clothes." Jimin held up a finger to him, telling him to wait. He ran over to his closet and sifted through the endless clothes hanging.

Jimin was obsessed with clothes, and it showed. Even Taehyung hadn't seen Jimin wear all of these clothes yet and he saw him every day. He pulled out a black blazer and a mostly white silk shirt that had splashes of color all over it. "This would look great on you." Taehyung looked at the articles of clothing and nodded approvingly. Obsession or not, Jimin had good taste.

Taking the clothes with him to the bathroom to change, Taehyung got dressed. He parted his hair slightly and tried to make it appear less unkempt. He straightened up his clothes and stepped out, he did a spin for Jimin, a smile plastered on his face. "Well?" Jimin grins brightly and claps. "There's my handsome best friend! It looks great on you."

Taehyung felt kind of confident after Jimin's words

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Taehyung felt kind of confident after Jimin's words. He smiled sheepishly. "We better get going, I'll drop you off, but you'll have to take the bus back here, I have a test to take." Jimin advised Tae and he just nodded. He was starting to get nervous. He wiped his clammy hands against his slacks.

"Can I go with you please, Joonie?" Rhea was pleading with her hands clasped

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"Can I go with you please, Joonie?" Rhea was pleading with her hands clasped. Pleading that wasn't needed. "Sure, I don't mind. He is your recommendation after all." Rhea smiled and kissed Namjoon's cheek. He grinned. "Go get my laptop and we can leave." Rhea nods and goes to fetch his laptop.

Soon they arrive at the coffee shop. It wasn't quite four o'clock yet, so they arrived first. Taking a seat at a table in the back of the coffee shop, Namjoon set up his laptop. "I'll go get us a coffee while we wait." Rhea offered and left to visit the barista.

After ordering, Rhea walked back over to the table. She saw Taehyung's blue head coming into the coffee shop. She called over to him once he was inside. "Taehyung, over here." She gestured with her head.

Rhea sat down the coffees on the table and watched Taehyung approach. He looked even more handsome than normal. He was well dressed and had an air of confidence around him. It was staggering, it made her swallow deeply.

Taehyung bowed to Namjoon once he was standing in front of the table. "Afternoon sir." Namjoon returned the bow. "Please have a seat, Taehyung."

He did as asked and sat across from Namjoon and Rhea. He noticed that those two were sitting quite closely to one another. "Thanks for this opportunity." Tae said thoughtfully, he meant it from his heart. "No problem at all, I trust Rhea's word overall." Namjoon said and smiled at Rhea. Taehyung watched their exchange and wondered what their relationship was. They seemed too comfortable around each other.

Namjoon snapped his fingers, realizing something. "Blue hair! You're the student that helped Rhea with the creepy Dean, right?" Taehyung's lips parted in surprise. He then only nodded. Namjoon held his hand out for him to shake. "Thank you, truly. I worry about her when she goes into that university sometimes." Taehyung shakes his hand.

"No problem, sir, I did what anyone would have done." Namjoon smiled widely, he had the most perfect smile. At first, he looked very intimidating. He almost seemed dangerous. But when he smiled, he looked harmless. He even had dimples. "I like you already Taehyung. Let's see some of your work." Namjoon says and slides his laptop over to Tae.

Inserting his flashdrive into Namjoon's laptop and clicking on a few things, a folder consisting of some photographs was ready to be viewed. Namjoon took the laptop and clicked through the photos. Rhea was peeking over his shoulder. Taehyung couldn't help but notice how close their bodies were. He kept wondering if they were an item or not. He wasn't sure why he cared either way.

Taehyung stared at Rhea; she had the biggest smile on her face as she looked at each picture Namjoon clicked on. "Most of these have you in them. But they all have a different emotion about them." Rhea pointed out and met Tae's eyes. He nodded.

"There are tens and hundreds of myself in me. I welcome another me. After all, all of them are me." * Rhea looked at him shocked. What an incredible way to look at oneself. He seemed quite astute. "That's quite an interesting way to put it. I like it." Taehyung flinched as Rhea spoke. He half expected her to say something hateful to him.

Namjoon took out the flashdrive and handed it back to Taehyung. "Your work is incredible, I already knew that though, Rhea told me. You're hired." Namjoon offered him a warm smile and Taehyung's eyes looked completely shocked. "Thank you, sir!" He yelled and bowed his head several times.

"RKive is a company I share in ownership with my good friend Yoongi. We are both producers. We want to help shape the music world. It's a new company so we need advertisement to get the word out. That's what your pictures will do at first. I'll pay you $50 per picture and each time an advertisement is aired. If we end up working out together nicely, I could consider a fulltime position. I wouldn't mind having a photographer on site in case bands or groups want their pictures taken while they record."

Taehyung smiled so brightly as he listened to Namjoon. Rhea caught herself smiling as well as she looked at Taehyung. He looked radiant. This was the happiest she had ever seen him, and it made her heart burst with happiness. 


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