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The two had small talk on the way to the mountain. It was a bit awkward at first, but they just talked until the awkwardness dissipated. Taehyung would look at Rhea's free hand and want to hold it. But he didn't want to be too forward. He was still terrified he would push her away. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Namjoon loves all of your photos, by the way." Rhea says suddenly and Taehyung smiles. "He does?" Rhea shakes her head. "Absolutely, I think he might keep you on as an employee." A big grin comes across Taehyung's face, he loved that sound of that.

"He said you made him look even more handsome than he thought he was." Rhea explains and laughs at her best friend's ridiculousness. Taehyung smiles but then bites his lip, he was trying to gather the courage to ask the question that's been bothering him.

"How long have you known Namjoon?" Rhea smiles fondly as she stares at the road. "I've known him since I was seven. We've grown up together, he's my closest and most trusted friend." Tae listens quietly but decided to clarify, just to be on the safe side. "So, you two never dated?" Rhea busts out laughing and it almost startles Taehyung.

"Oh heavens no. He's too protective of me now, I couldn't imagine dating him." She joked and shook her head as she finished laughing. "He's like my brother." Taehyung nods, it all finally made sense to him. He never sensed any sexual tension between the two, but the love was obvious. Namjoon was very protective of her. He denied anyone who wanted to date Rhea. That worried Taehyung. He wondered if he could win Namjoon over.

That's when he realized what his thoughts were saying. Taehyung wanted to date Rhea. He hadn't had feelings like this in so long, it was so unfamiliar. And it was definitely scary. Taehyung swallowed, suddenly he was very aware of his nervousness.

"Okay, we are here!" Rhea exclaims and shuts off the car. She grabs her camera and the two step outside in the open air. A photographer never leaves without their camera, and it was something both Rhea and Taehyung did. Wherever they went, their camera would follow. "Let's just start walking and see where we go."

Taehyung nods and the two of them begin following the concrete trail up towards the peak of the mountain. The weather was quite nice, it was a bit cloudy, and the wind would blow roughly sometimes, but a perfect day for a hike either way. Taehyung would look at Rhea's swinging hand sometimes and wish he could gather the courage to hold it in his. He sought out her warmth.

"I really enjoy our little trips." Rhea confesses and flashes him a sweet smile, it's enough to make Tae's heart race. "Me too." He admits softly. Rhea makes a straight line with her mouth. "Really? I could have sworn you disliked me when you first met me." Taehyung looks at the ground. He felt ashamed of how he acted towards her. Taehyung had assumed about her personality like he did with everyone else. Normally he was right, but not this time.

"I'm sorry about that, I don't trust easily anymore." Rhea nods, understanding that sentence. "I get that. You seem close with Jimin though." Taehyung thought about it for a moment. "Jimin is very special. He isn't how he appears. Deep down he's very kind and caring." Rhea smiles as she listens to his deep voice speak so fondly of his friend.

"My friendship with Jimin started the day he protected me from getting bullied." Rhea stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes turned on him. "You got bullied?" Taehyung nods sadly. "These group of kids would always harass me. One tried to take my camera and break it. Jimin was walking by and intervened. He punched the guy so hard in the nose that it broke. He has stood by my side and protected me ever since."

Rhea's heart melted at the story. "I have a similar relationship with Namjoon. I think that's why he's so protective of me. Girls at our school would always pull my hair and pick on me. They would call me Ms. Perfect and a kiss ass." Taehyung's eyebrows knitted together. He didn't like the fact that someone was being mean to Rhea.

"I guess even pretty girls get bullied." He murmured and Rhea looked at him. "Handsome boys too." Taehyung's face burned bright red. Was she talking about him? He doubted it.

They began walking again. "I'm sorry people were mean to you. You shouldn't be picked on because of a hobby." Rhea placed her hand on his shoulder softly for a second. Taehyung agreed with her. "No, I shouldn't. I would bury myself in photography, it helped me cope with things. People found that weird and so now I'm the school weirdo. They call me an alien because I'm not normal. I say weird things and do weird things. I can't help I see the world differently than most."

Rhea grins. "But that's what I like most about you." Taehyung stopped walking and stared at her, his mouth slightly ajar. "It is?" Rhea nods quickly. "That's what makes you special Taehyung. You're perfectly different." Her cheeks turn pink, and she looks away. Taehyung's heart pounds in his chest. He had the overpowering urge to kiss her, and so he listens to his heart instead of his head.

Taehyung grabs Rhea's shoulders and steps closer, he leans in slowly and captures her bottom lip in between his lips. Rhea is quick to reciprocate. She slowly wraps her arms around his neck, and they bend slightly as Taehyung kisses her with more force. Rhea creeps her hand up into his hair and grabs a handful of it as her face burns from Tae's passionate kisses.

Briefly pulling back an inch only to lick his lips, Tae kisses Rhea again, he can't seem to stop himself. Taehyung holds her body tightly against his, he wants her closer. He holds her in his arms, his hands pressed against her back. Rhea pulls back and bites her bottom lip and stares up at his beautiful, big eyes.

"Tae." She whispers, the word causes an explosion of butterflies inside Taehyung's stomach. The only person that ever called him that was Jimin, but it sounded so sugar sweet from her lips. "I really, really like you." Rhea confesses and her eyes go downward. Taehyung grabs her chin and lifts her face upward to look into her hazel eyes again. "Then date me." He says softly and Rhea nods, he smashes his lips on hers again before she can even finish her nod.

" He says softly and Rhea nods, he smashes his lips on hers again before she can even finish her nod

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