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"Is this lovely lady your girlfriend?" Mrs. Kim asks her son as her eyes lock onto Rhea. She seemed to be feeling better. She had a mental breakdown when she found out she almost left this world. After some fresh fluids and food, Mrs. Kim's color was returning, and her brain seemed to be working just fine.

Taehyung smiles at Rhea and kisses her hand that's holding his. "Yes mom, this is Rhea." Rhea smiles sweetly and stands to shake Mrs. Kim's hand. "Nice to meet you ma'am." She laughs lightly. "I wish it was in better circumstances," Tae's mom admits, embarrassed.

"We're just thankful you're awake now." Rhea tells her and bows before sitting back down beside Taehyung. Mrs. Kim laughs a little. "As am I. Tae, I'm so sorry to worry you so much. I'm vowing from here on out to never drink another drop as long as I shall live." Taehyung's face lights up and he smiles for the first time in hours.

"You really mean that mom?" Taehyung asks enthusiastically. And she nods resolutely. "I swear on my life." She holds up her open palm. Tae grins widely, his boxy smile brighter than the fluorescent lights.

Taehyung turns his attention to Rhea. "You better get home and get some sleep. I don't want you to have to miss your showcase." Rhea pats his hand gently. "That's okay, I don't need to be there. I'd rather be here with you." She pinches Tae's cheek lovingly and he grins.

Shaking his head quickly, Taehyung doesn't accept that answer. "No, I'll hate myself if you have to miss it because of me." Rhea's shoulders slump, she didn't want him beating himself up any further. "Fine, you win. Please keep me updated though." Rhea kisses Tae's cheek and he smiles at her. "Good luck. Get some rest." Rhea nods and heads out of the hospital room.

"You two make a great couple." Mrs. Kim tells her son. Taehyung laughs slightly. "You think so? I don't know what she sees in me." His mom reaches out and touches his hand. "She probably sees everything you don't see." He smiles sweetly at his mother.

"Thanks for coming with me, Joonie

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"Thanks for coming with me, Joonie." Rhea tells Namjoon, who's driving her to the showcase. "You're lucky I love you. You disappear until three in the morning and give me some bogus excuse. If you slept with some guy, just say so." Rhea busts out laughing at his attitude. "Joonie, I really was at a hospital. A friend's mom was really sick." He rolls his eyes. "Sure."

"I am seeing someone though." Rhea mumbles and Namjoon looks at her abruptly. "Who?! Do I know him?" Rhea laughs. "You'll find out soon enough." Namjoon rolls his eyes again. "I don't like all this sneaking around you're doing." Rhea smacks his arm. "Hush."

After parking, Namjoon and Rhea walk towards the gallery. Rhea's heels clicked as she walked side by side with Namjoon. She was wearing a tight pencil skirt and a white, silky flowy top. Her hips swayed with each step she took. Namjoon fought her tooth and nail not to wear something so clingy. She ignored him, of course.

"Ms. Stone! Glad you made it! We're looking forward to your showcase and auction." Rhea smiles at the doorman. "Thank you! I'm glad you welcomed me back a second time." She bows to the man before her and Namjoon head inside.

Holding his arm protectively behind her, Namjoon follows Rhea as she walks towards her corner of the showcase. Rhea's heart stops when she sees a familiar blue haired man. He was admiring some of her work, smiling to himself. Taehyung was wearing a suit and looked beyond handsome.

 Taehyung was wearing a suit and looked beyond handsome

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"Taehyung?" Namjoon asked confused. Tae turned around and saw Rhea and Namjoon. His eyes linger on Rhea and how lovely she looked. He bit his lip at her criminally tight skirt. "Hey Namjoon, hi Rhea." Taehyung greets them sweetly.

"Do you have a showcase here too?" Namjoon asked, still confused about why he's here. Taehyung shook his head. "No, I didn't have time to prepare. Maybe next time." He gives them a sad smile. Rhea smiles sweetly at him. So happy that he was here.

"He's here for me, Joonie." Rhea says to clear the air. She walks over to Taehyung and wraps her arms around his skinny waist. Namjoon stares at them. Rhea kisses Taehyung sweetly on the lips, not having to stand on her tippy toes since she was wearing heels.

"Taehyung is my boyfriend." He smiles down at Rhea and looks at Namjoon, hoping he won't explode. Namjoon crosses his arm and raises his eyebrow. "Huh. Well, alright." He just shrugs and Rhea stares at him in astonishment. She half expected a fight. Maybe he was keeping it civil because they were all in public.

"We will begin the showcase now! Every photo on display tonight is on sale. Speak with the artist if you wish to purchase an item." Someone announces and Rhea goes to stand by her artwork. Taehyung stands by her side.

"I'm going to nose around." Namjoon says and goes looking around.

Once he's gone, Rhea turns to Taehyung. "Why are you here? Is your mom still okay?" She looks concerned and Taehyung smiles. "Yes, she's still recovering. I didn't want to miss your big day. You always support me, and I wanted to return it." Rhea smiles and kisses his cheek. "You're so sweet Tae." She grabs his hand and holds it as she watches people coming into the gallery.

"I hope I sell something." Rhea says, hopeful.

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