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Rhea studies the photo and mulls over the words that fill her head. "This photograph screams lonely. It looks as if this person in the middle of the road is the only human in the world. I also feel a sense of carelessness, indifference from this photo. Laying in the road is not just irresponsible but it seems like a cry for help. Is that you in the road, Taehyung?" Rhea looks over at him, worry fills her eyes. Taehyung just nods.

"There's a lot of sadness in this picture. I like that you used black and white. If you had left the color in the photo, it wouldn't have had the impact that it does. Very well-done Taehyung. I look forward to your next photos."

11:15 rolls around and the class starts to leave. As usual, Taehyung and Jimin are the last ones to leave the classroom. Taehyung gathers his things and goes to leave.

"Mr. Kim, can you stay behind for a moment." Rhea tells him, and Jimin looks at her, then at Taehyung. He nods to Jimin, telling him it's okay. Jimin leaves the room and Taehyung walks over to the front desk. "What." He says flatly with his deep voice. Already in defensive mode. Rhea blinks at him, thrown off by the sudden attitude.

"Your photo concerned me. Are you alright?" Rhea asks him quietly and Taehyung scoffs, looking away. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a photo." Rhea stared at his profile since he wouldn't look at her. She knew he was lying. So much emotion was put into that photograph, it made her gasp when she saw it. It worried her.

"You can talk to me if you need to." Rhea urged on and Taehyung jerked his head to meet her eyes. His eyebrows furrowed downward. "It's just a stupid picture. Don't read so much into it!" He spits out, incredibly defensive. Rhea decides to back down, not wanting to push him too far. "Okay, be on your way then." She says quietly and he walks out immediately.

Rhea watches as he leaves, she couldn't wrap her head around what happened. "What was with that sudden mood change? I'll have to keep an eye on him." Rhea says quietly to herself.

Rhea sat at her desk the rest of the day. She graded each photograph she received. She tried to be lenient since it was the classes' first real assignment. Taehyung received a 100% but Jimin would only get a 70%.

Rhea continued to stare at Taehyung's photo. It almost gave her the creeps. A corpse in the road almost seemed accurate. This person was dead inside. No beauty within this photo. Just regret, loneliness and indifference. Rhea began to really worry about her student. She would pay much more attention to him from now on.

He was talented, that was for sure. Almost too talented. He portrayed his feelings perfectly. Taehyung must have been a photographer for several years now. He seemed like a pro.

"I think I'm going to fail our first assignment

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"I think I'm going to fail our first assignment." Jimin groaned, feeling stupid for not taking it more seriously. Taehyung laughed slightly. "Yeah, probably." Jimin shoved him. "You didn't help me! This is all your fault." Taehyung just shrugged. "Maybe actually try next time and you'll do better." He scolds Jimin and he hangs his head low. Taehyung sighs. "I'll help you next time." Jimin's eyes light up and he smiles brightly.

Jimin throws his arms around Taehyung's waist and hugs him tightly. Taehyung smirks to himself. Taehyung didn't smile much; it was rarely witnessed. But Jimin always made him smile. It seemed at times that Jimin was the only person who cared about Taehyung, he didn't see him as a monster. Jimin loved his best friend, though he rarely said the exact words. He would show it daily.

"What do you want to do tonight? Want to play some more Overwatch?" Taehyung shook his head to Jimin's request. "There's a place I want to visit to take pictures." Jimin nodded, understanding that Taehyung funneled his emotions through his pictures.

A pretty cheerleader approaches Jimin and runs her hand along his shoulder. "Jiminie, want to go to the movies with me?" She asked in a flirty tone. Jimin grinned, he loved being pursued, which he constantly was. "I can't honey, I've got plans with Tae." Jimin gestured to Taehyung but noticed he was gone. He looked around, trying to find where he went.

"Why do you even hang out with him Jiminie? You're so much better than him, he's just a weirdo." Jimin clenched his fists. He smacked her hand off his shoulder. "Don't touch me, you shank. Don't talk shit about my best friend either!" Jimin yelled at her, and she looked hurt. Jimin went running off towards the parking lot. Hoping Taehyung had gone that way. 


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